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"thanks norman, it means the world really" brinn hugged him while the guys waited a few feet behind her having their own conversation.

"you were family to max, your family to us" he smiled rubbing her shoulder and then entered back into the car.  brinn took a moment to collect herself and then turned back to the guys and walked past them to the house they were standing in front of.

"what is this place?" brandon jogged up to brinn.

"it's our new home" brinn looked around to the location, rural, farm life, tall trees with a bit of snow at the bottom of them "i presume montana or one of the dakotas, maybe minnesota" she concluded and turned to enter the house. she walked in first entering the untouched house, it was very homey ranch.

"i'm gonna take a look around, find the safe and bunker and see what food they prepped for us" brinn nodded and started walking upstairs.

"how long do you think we're gonna live like this?" austin asked nick concerned. nick shrugged in response and began to look around the home a little.

"hey this is really cool" brandon was infatuated by the deer head that was mounted above the fire place. he looked around to find a fake stuffed fox on the ground next to the fire place as well and bent down next to it.

"hi buddy i'm brandon but my friends call me b" brandon pretended to shake the foxes hand and then pat its head. brandon laughed standing up and faced the guys.

"woah" edwin looked with wides eyes seeing the fireplace disappear and a whole room of computers open to them.

"what it this house?" zion asked confused stepping into the room along with the guys seeing the endless amount of buttons and screens.

"oh good you found the server room" brinn appears on the stairs making all of them turn around. she hopped down the stairs quickly and joined the in the room. she took a seat in the chair and turned on the computer and entered the password that max had shared with her. as she continued to type on the keyboard the screens and buttons lit up.

"woah so this is like the motherboard" edwin said in awe.

"yeah, all cameras and signals from a 40 mile radius can be tracked from this room. even all private air traffic can be tracked from these computers" brinn explained to the guys "and there should be- there" brinn tapped on the keyboard and a door popped open revealing five untraceable burners. brinn handed them to the guys.

"your families have been contacted, do not call them unless you want us to all be caught. use these to only call the five numbers programmed in them already, those numbers are for each of our phones. got it?" brinn raised a brow at them and they all nodded agreeing. they all exited the room and closed it securing it back up and began to make themselves at home. brinn walked to the kitchen and grabbed a water from the fridge that was thankfully fully stocked by max's men and headed onto the porch.

"need a thinking buddy?" austin appears on the porch not to long after her. brinn gave him a soft smile making austin take a seat in the chair next to her.

"how did you know all of this already?" austin looked at her confused because she said on the plane that she was never a dirty cop untill now.

"me and max talked about this before we entered our last assignment together. it was sorta like... well a backup plan. he always had some sort of plan that could get you out of any situation you were thrown into. the assignment, we didn't think we would get out clean, so he had this set up there five others around the globe. just so happened that one of us finally needed one." brinn let out a singular laugh. austin looked at her with sympathy in his eyes.

"don't do that" brinn laughed at him. austin held up his hands in defense and chuckled to himself.

after dinner

"so that's the safe and that's the bunker?" edwin asked interested and shocked by how much it looked like his life was a movie.

"yeah, unmarked bills and new burners just in case something goes wrong and we need to get out" brinn looked over all the cash counting how many stacks just to be sure that it's all there.

"and what about that what's in there?" edwin asked pointing to a smaller safe that was closed and locked.

"oh" brinn paused for a second and noticeably grew a bit sadder "new identities made for max" brinn opened the safe and pulled out the passports and licenses that were made with the same picture but different names and states.

"are we gonna have these?" edwin asked turning around one of the licenses to brinn.

"yeah, they should get here next week, they will be hidden by one of the men in a barn and then we will he contacted" brinn explained.

"why can't they just give us them, we're safe here right?" edwin asked concerned.

"yeah but we can't get lazy. they are looking for us they won't sleep until they find us or until they think we died" brinn sighed and closed the vault locking max's ids in the smaller safe first. brinn walked a few steps to the bunker which held all their weapons god forbid they needed them and closed that as well making them both look like they were apart of the wall.

"what's that?" edwin pointed to brinns hand where a flash drive hung off her finger. brinn looked down and showed the flash drive in her pocket.

"it's nothing" brinn tried to dismiss it which she knew edwin didn't believe.

"uhh well, there's a king, two twins, and a pull out in these rooms so you guys can figure that out. i'm gonna call it a night" brinn said and walked into her room and closed and locked the door behind her. she was so mentally and physically drained from the last 30 hours. she gave up everything, to help the person she loved escape and now he won't even look at her.

1:00 am

brinn laid restless in her bed thinking about the drive. she wanted to watch it, in fact needed to to see how operations ran here. she pushed the covers from the bed and walked down stairs quietly and went straight into the server room opening it by the fox and closing it behind her. she sat down in the chair and turned on the computer. she looked at the drive in her hand and reluctantly put it in the computer. a file popped up and her mouse hovered over it and clicked it after a few seconds. max's face popped up on the screen and emotions already began flooding in for brinn.

"well here we are" max sarcastically laughed to himself and looked around in the ranch that they were staying in "welcome to the north star state. it's honestly quite beautiful here that's why i picked it. well let's see where do we get started, i guess dear future me if you even watching this, or to brinn too" max paused and his voice cracked "brinn i swear to god if your in this house and i'm not sitting there next to you" max began to cry. brinn began to cry herself, max was quite literally her everything. she bit the sleeve of her shirt as she sobbed trying not to wake any of the guys up.

"brinn, you'll get out of this. your strong you'll fight. i love you" max wiped away all of his tears "this house is located on the red bandanna farm. your going to want to talk to jeff, he is the owner and the head farmer of this place..."

after watching the video

brinn pulled the drive out from the computer and locked the system back up and exited the room to see the kitchen light on. zion who was sitting at the table turned around confused seeing brinn come out of the server room.

"couldn't sleep either?" zion asked brinn.

"not really" brinn said shyly as she slowly walked over to him. things were stuck awkward between them because of what happened on the plane.

"i made some tea if you want" zion motioned towards the stove. brinn nodded and poured herself a glass and then walked back towards him.

"thanks, i think i'm gonna go to bed" brinn smiled lightly at him and headed upstairs.

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