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brinn sat on the front steps of the ranch getting on her tim's before heading to the feeding barn to give the pigs their lunch which was the left overs from last nights dinner. a pick up pulled in through the north gate into the grass and a man hopped out much to far for brinn to see but she knew that someone coming from the north gate was not good.

" howdy!" the man yelled waving to jeff who luckily happened to be hauling hay right near him.

"how can i help you sir?" jeff asked him politely but kept his same straight serious face he always had.

"well i'm from the next farm over and we've got too many baby chicks, wondering if you wanted to buy?" the man offered.

"we've got no room for any more chicks in our houses" jeff stated "maybe next year" jeff nodded as a sign that the conversation was over.

"no worries, have a good one!" he hopped back in his truck and exited through the same gate he came from. jeff hopped on his four wheeler and drove towards the house.

"what was that about?" zion asked concerned.

"i don't know" brinn stood up and walked towards jeff as he drove towards her. he hopped off and took his phone out of his pocket handing her the sim card from the back of it.

"find out who that was" brinn took the chip and nodded. brinn rushed into the house and into the server room letting the guys crowd in behind her. she plugged in the sim card accessing the phones microphone and playing back the last five minutes.

"howdy!" the phone barley picked up "well i'm from the next-" the man spoke and brinn knew immediately who it was. she stopped the recording and took the sim chip out of the reader.

"what what's wrong?" nick asked concerned looking at brinn who had a completely blank look on her face.

"they know where we are" brinn said to the guys making them all nervous. although the were criminals they never had to run from police before they always just stole and never got caught. brinn rushed upstairs unlocking the hidden vault and grabbed herself a handgun and extra amo that she hid in both of her boots.

"why are you doing that?" austin asked extremely worried.

"because, they know we're here" brinn replied seriously and handed both austin and edwin who followed her upstairs guns. brinn grabbed two more unloaded guns and amo and brought them to zion and nick. brinn held the guns out for them but they were reluctant to take them.

"take them" brinn shook her hand and they did "you know how to shoot right?"

"yeah" nick replied loading his gun and tucking it into his waist band.

"good" brinn replied tucking her gun in her waist band as well "conceal them, and have them at all times, we don't know when we're gonna need them" brinn walked towards the front porch and saw jeff standing nearby talking to jason.

"it's my partner, they know" brinn told them and jeff and jason looked at eachother "we're all carrying now"

"we will be too. well have the team start with evaluation protocol" jeff nodded and headed off towards the main barn.

"hey" jason called you brinn as she turned and walked away "we got you" he nodded. brinn gave him a half smile and then headed back into the house with the guys. the guys stood around the living room talking nervously about what this meant for them.

"evacuation protocol is in motion" brinn said appearing in the living room. she was distraught and they could see it.

"how did they find us?" edwin in disbelief.

"i have no idea" brinn sighed "but they did and that's what matters. now we have to be ready for them. evacuation is tricky considering any helicopters that come in here will raise too many questions with the townies. a car will pick us up tomorrow, then we will get on a plane"

"then what?" zion asked.

"we hope they don't follow" brinn replied simply. she walked over to the window seeing jeff talking to a few workers.

"tomorrow zion and austin your going into town. wear your bandadas around your face, that will let them know that something is wrong, got it" brinn explained.

"hold up why me?" zion looked at brinn like she was crazy.

"everything will be ok" brinn said. the guys nodded and watched as brinn retreated into the server room. brinn sat down at the desk and played the downloaded file of the recording from jeff's phone over and over.

"fuck" brinn threw the glass on the desk into the wall smashing it into pieces because of her anger.

rule number one of being undercover, don't get caught. rule number one of being on the run, don't get caught.

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