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"edwin are you ready?" brinn asked edwin through her ear piece.

"your all set, you've got two minutes" edwin said as he finished tapping rapidly on his key board in the back of the van that sat in front of the building. brinn nodded and headed inside walking towards the security desk. the man looked up from the computers at her and then looked back down.

"the offices are closed ms" the office spoke as brinn walked up to his desk making sure to avoid cameras even though they were being looped.

"i know, i work here i just have to grab my wallet i left it here on accident, it has my key card and everything" brinn shook her head disapprovingly at herself making the office buy it. he reached down to his desk grabbing the sign in clip board and a pen. he placed it on the desk for brinn and before he could pull his hand away she stuck him with a needle.

"what did you just do?" he looked at her crazily and reached for his walkie. brinn rushed around the desk grabbing the walkie and set him down on the floor. his eyes slowly faded and within thirty seconds he was completely knocked out.

"edwin were good" brinn spoke into her ear piece.

"let's go" edwin smiled and the four other guys walked through the front door of the building.

"you know i lost money on that" brandon chuckled as he walked past brinn making her laugh and shake her head. edwin went behind the desk avoiding the body guard and hacked the cameras from the inside for the next hour.

"we're on" edwin nodded stepping back over the security guard and walked with everyone else towards the elevators.

"got the card?" austin asked edwin. edwin flashed the card with a smile and handed it to austin. austin took the card with a smile and him, edwin, and brinn went off to the back elevator while zion, brandon, and nick went on the main elevators.

"you guys good?" edwin asked through their ear pieces.

"yeah you?" nick replied.

"yeah getting off now, we will let you know when we find the internal breakers" edwin said and the doors to the elevator opened letting them out. austin, brinn, and edwin navigated the hallways carefully as trying to locate the breaker.

"austin where is this thing?" brinn asked austin as they walked through the hallways quietly hugging the wall.

"should be the fifth panel on the wall" austin counted the wall panels that stood 8 feet tall. austin tapped the panel that the breaker was under and began to wiggle it out of the wall.

"wait do you hear that?" brinn stopped austin and they all listened. they heard light music coming from the end of the dark hallway. brinn looked at the two of them and began to slowly walk towards the end of the hallway.

"what do you mean?" brandon spoke concerned from their position on the other side of the building in the office that belonged to raymond peterson. nick and zion stopped what they were doing and listened in their ear pieces as well.

"we don't know yet" edwin whispered. brinn continued down the hallway reaching the end and took a left following the music. brinn creeped down the hall seeing a light on in an office making her quickly hide behind a blind spot from the office. she peaked her head out seeing one of their executives by the name of josh michaels sleeping in his office chair, seemingly not intentional. brinn swore under her breath and made her way back to austin and edwin.

"we've got an executive asleep in his office" brinn said to everyone.

"fuck" nick groaned.

"this doesn't change anything, just be quite" brinn said. edwin and austin nodded and took off the panel.

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