ll (the story of how richie met eddie)

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it was six a.m. and i was bouncing off the walls. i was super excited for school; i had even dressed myself in my favorite pink t-shirt and jean shorts.
my parents walked me into school, even though i told them i could do it.
that's when i first saw the boy. he had floofy brown hair and tear filled eyes.
turns out, he was in my class as well. he began to cry as soon as his mother left.
the teacher made him sit in a corner all by himself; how could she do that? he needed a hug.
when the teacher gave us a break, i went over to talk to him.
"hi, i'm richie!" i said, grinning widely.
the boy sniffled, wiping his eyes. "i'm eddie," he told me, smiling back.

first grade
it was the night before valentine's day. my mother had bought me packets of candy with cards to give out to my class, but eddie deserves better than that. he was my best friend.
i got out all my art supplies.
"who's that valentine for squirt?" my momma asked me.
"eddie!" i told her happily. "he's my best friend!"
i continued to draw eddie and i holding hands, and to finish it off, i colored hearts all around us.
he made me a valentine too, a big red heart. i kept it in my pocket all day, a funny feeling in my belly when ever i would think about it.

second grade
the teachers called eddie and i 'trouble makers' which was a nice way of saying we were annoying.
but that didn't half me from sticking to eddie like glue at all.
we always ate lunch together, and we even studying for tests with each other.
i loved eddie with my whole heart, and i quietly told my mother this.
she told me it was ok. that it was ok for boys to love boys. my father blatantly agreed, but warned me to tread lightly on that subject with eddie. just in case he didn't feel the same way.

third grade
disaster struck the kaspbrak household. eddie's father had died.
my parents had sat me down, explaining what had happened to him; he had been really sick for a long time, and couldn't fight anymore. they reassured me he was in a better place.
eddie cried a lot, durning school and outside of school. kids gave him weird looks, but i'd glare at them until they looked away.
i stayed right beside eddie, reassuring him that his father was in a much better place just like my parents had. of course, i told him jokes too, when i was scared he'd never smile again.
i just wish he knew i loved him.

fourth grade
i finally convinced eddie to have a sleepover at my house. i think his mother scared him about sleepovers. and everything else in the world.
i was shocked to learn eddie had never had pizza before. that night, while eddie was asleep curled up in my arms, i heard my parents talking about eddie downstairs. how he might be deprived at home.
i didn't know what that meant, but it didn't sound good, and i got scared. what if eddie was going to die too?
but then eddie wrapped him arms around me in his sleep, pulling me closer to him, and i did the same before closing my eyes as well, praying to god to keep my eddie safe.

fifth grade
eddie and i made two new friends. their names were bill and stanley. we all quickly became best friends.
we would sneak off to get ice cream after school, slept over at each other's houses, and watched movies at the aladdin.
then over the summer, we met bev, mike, and ben. we were inseparable, sticking up for each other and helping one another with outdoor chores.
we began calling ourselves 'the loser's' because that's what we were. and we all gladly accepted that, because we had each other.
still, eddie and i remained closer with each other then the rest of the group, walking to and from school together and sleeping over at my house.
my stomach was full of butterflies every time i looked at him, and i was so close to telling him. but i couldn't. i didn't want to lose our friend ship if eddie didn't like me back.

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