Chapter Twenty Six: The Awkward Moment

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I must admit my heart was racing despite just sitting still and I felt as though my entire body was shaking and emitting a sense of uncomfortableness.

My mind raced through all of the different things that my future to be could include, my brain just wouldn't stop functioning.

I stared at the beautiful flowers laced throughout the garden in attempts of calming my nerves. That's when I heard the soft sound of footsteps slowly closing in on me. They were light but not to light and I couldn't help now but find myself wondering what they would be like and whether the would think that I could be good enough for them or not. I sat as still as possible almost like I was trying to hide myself in the scenery so maybe they will walk right past.

Yet as the footsteps drew nearer I sudden calm came over me as I could clearly not avoid my incoming doom.

The footsteps were just aeound the corner now, I was admitted very wary as this could only be a bad thing Iean after all, the "practice" wouldn't stop even if I have a partner. The only thing that will change is that I will have more responsibilities.

That's when they a rounded the corner and my jaw dropped like a brutal blow had been swung at my stomach. I couldn't tell how to feel. My mind was racing this just plainly couldn't be possible how... This doesn't really make sense at all. I froze for a quick minute my mind racing. And he didn't seem all that much better with all things considered he to held a face of shock. He hadn't made a move forward it was like we were both stuck in time.

I felt sick there was no way on earth I could satisfy the responsibilities that he would want of me and that would mean that the practice would get worse and I do t know whether I can't truly survive that at this point. I couldn't help but grimace but nonetheless this is my responsibility it is the only thing I can do for my family. My family... That would include him soon wouldn't it.

He seemed to become unstuck before I did and my heart began pounding louder than ever before. I slowly stood up to greet the person but it was almost as if I was on autopilot. I kept my head down despite knowing that he had already identified who in fact I was.

"Kaito, I apologise for my reaction but I was definitely not expecting to see you here today or in fact a person of your gender at all" my head began pounding he didn't want me just like I thought no matter who they are they won't want me and all the ridiculous baggage that I Carr with me on a daily basis.

I felt my breathe become quicker and my head became slightly lighter but nonetheless I nodded in response to the man that I would likely be married to in just a few months.


I could only nody Brain couldn't process all the information in which I was receiving.

"Well despite my initial shock I am not disappointed in fact I am quite relieved really however I understand if you were to need a minute to process. May I join you?" he gestured to the seat that I was once on and I slowly began to understand what he was saying I nodded still not being able to say a single word.

" It is alright Kaito please take a second I understand that you may need a moment, here come here" he patted on his shoulder after shuffling closer to me. I slowly lowered my head onto his shoulder and it was oddly similar to just the other day when we were in the host club in almost the exact same position.

We stayed like this for a while before the cold got the better of us and we decided to head back into my house only to be greeted by the monster himself staring down at us seemingly very displeased. I Coundnt help but hold my breathe

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