Chapter Thirty Four: It's Time

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Kaito Pov

Apart from the obvious it became pretty clear to me that it was a normal day and that I should try to remain as calm as possible yet the looks that I have been getting from multiple people all day stressed me beyond belief.

But guess what it is finally time to tell everyone in the host club just what all the fuss around the school is about and then after we have told the host club members we are going to go public with the information because Kyoya feels that being upfront is better than confusing everyone.

I was walking with the twins and Haruhi to the host club and my legs were shaking, I was sweating slightly yet I tried to keep up the 'I'm fine' facade but I wish that it was as easy as it sounds. The twins were still being overprotective which despite how thankful I was for them, I couldn't help but feel like I was pulling the wool over their eyes as I am responsible for all the troubles that the host club may face in the future.

I might just end up causing them a lot of trouble but not matter how much I wanted to hide I knew that I owed it to them all to explain.

When we finally arrived at the host club the rest of the people quickly walked in whereas I took a moment just to center myself . I took a breath and walked into the host club room. When I walked in I saw that the twins were settling down on the sofas and so were the rest of the host club. Kyoya was sat in his usual place but unlike normal where he would be writing some unknown important things in a book or on his computer. He was just sat their observing everything that was occurring.

When he saw me, he grimaced slightly and dread filled me. He hates me. He patted the seat beside him so I slowly made my way over. Only to be stopped by... Mori? He sent my an oddly stern look. Before quietly saying "What is going on?".

His thick voice cut through the small amount of noise that the club members were making. Everyone turned to look at me. I felt sick,cold and disgusting. I wanted to run. I looked up and immediately made eye contact with Kyoya who had a panicked look in his eyes. He suddenly got up however and lightly gripped Mori's hand and removed it from my arm before adding his own hand in mine.

He slightly coughed clearing his throat, before he carefully spoke "I apologize if I have caused problems or confusion for any of you today but you must understand that this is a delicate subject." He paused for second letting his statement sink in.

When he carefully tugged on my arm and signaled at everyone to sit down. Once everyone was sitting on the sofas he restarted again. "Kaito is very nervous about this situation and that why I felt the need to tell everyone all at once. But I will try to explain it quite simply,me and Kaito have become engaged."

I held my breathe for a good minute while a brutal silence filled the currently mostly empty room.

When suddenly laughter broke out from the twins. "Is that it?" Hikaru laughed loudly at only to be accompanied by Kaoru  who loudly stated while still laughing "We thought you were in trouble or something, we even tried to be more scary so no one would mess with you!"

I was stunned not only did they not seem bothered at all by the engagement but they actually seemed relieve. I quickly checked on everyone else's face to only see wither shock or a strange warm look on their faces. Honey however suddenly rushed up to me quickly jumping between me and Kyoya only to send me a very big smile and partially squeeze the life out of me with a hug. "You two are going to be sooo cute together".

 The happy squeal from the older student made me look up at Kyoya to see him giving me a strange look that I couldn't identify but I was just to shocked to move.

Tamaki then also suddenly ran up "Don't be worried Kaito, maybe you can be the shadow Kings heart!!!!" The loud response I was getting was so overwhelming so when everyone suddenly dispersed it became very clear to me  that I might just have misjudged my... new friends... I guess that is what i'd call them.

I suddenly however felt the strange need to put my head on Kyoya's shoulder which had happened actually more time than I thought looked at him he was still looking at me and I swear he must have been a mind reader ads he smiled at me slightly before patting his shoulder.

My heart pounded as I moved closer and placed my head on his shoulder while I looked out and watched as the rest of the club began getting ready for the club to open again.

I felt oddly... safe. 

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