Peter and Tony break Instagram (thrice)

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Summary: Peter and Tony do an Instagram live, but Irondad and Spiderson are too much for Instagram. It collapses. Thrice.


Peter had decided that it was time for Spider-Man to have an Instagram account.


Yeah... @Official_Spiderman was taken. That's it.

"Hey guys, I'm Spider-Man!" Peter said. He was wearing regular clothes but obvioulsy wore a mask to hide his face.

Comments started coming.

"No shit Sherlock"

"Wow, is this real?"


Peter laughed. "Don't use that kind of language, we don't want Captain America arriving and giving us a lecture, do we?" A hundred swear words were suddenly commented by everyone. Peter ignored them. "And yes, this is real," he confirmed.

"I need to show you this amazing view," Peter said suddenly, and then held his phone to the window, showing he was at the top of Stark Tower. After that, he put his phone against the wall and locked it there with webs. 

Peter sat down in front of the phone, crossing his legs and hiding his fists behind the sleeves of his over-sized, knit, green sweater.

"He's so cute I can't-"

"How can this baby be Spider-Man? He's so tiny"


"Why are you at Stark Towers?"

Peter laughed at the comments, blushing a bit behind his mask. "I'm at Stark Towers because..." he trailed off thinking. "I'm always here. I guess it's just 'cause I love hanging out with Mr. Stark-" Alarms started sounding. The comment section went wild in panic. Peter face-palmed. 

"Protocol: Underoos Is Calling Me Mr. Stark Again is being activated," Friday's voice rang out after five seconds of the alarm blaring.

There was a silence for three exact seconds. Peter didn't speak. The viewers didn't comment. Everyone stayed frozen in place.

Until Tony Stark barged into the room and started scolding Peter.

"What did I say about calling me Mr. Stark?" Tony asked, hands in his hips.

"Not to call you that," Peter said, looking down.

"And what did you do?"

"I called you that."

"So what are you gonna do now?" Peter looked up.

"Hug you and not call you that again." Tony's gaze softened as a small smile graced his lips.

"Come here, P-" Peter was already approaching his mentor when he realized the man hadn't noticed the camera and was just about to reveal his identity unknowingly. Spider-Man thanked his fast reflexes as he was able to cover Tony's mouth one second before a disaster happened.

"There's people watching," he clarified at Tony's confused eyes.

"Oh," was all the man said. He looked around the room before finally spotting the phone sticked to the wall. 

"But I still want a hug." Peter didn't wait for a response as he made himself comfortabe in his father figure's arms. Tony smiled and hugged him back.

"What are you doing now? Is that..." Tony looked closer at the screen, "Instagram?"

"Yep. I'm doing a live right now, wanna join me?"

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