Soulmate (again)

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Summary: In their universe, people can hear the music their soulmates are listening to. The problem is that Peter has a rather particular music taste.

Not a part 2 of Soulmate

Again, this is platonic


Tony Stark lay in bed wide awake at 2 AM. No, he didn't have insomnia. No, he didn't feel energetic.

Peel the avocado, peel the avocado...

Yes, he did feel miserable. Yes, he hated his soulmate.

Okay, he didn't. He found funny and quite adorable the way they would always be listening to the weirdest songs, and how they loved musicals, but seriously? That song at 2 AM? Did they hate him?

Peel the avocado, peel the avocado...

Tony sighed. Sometimes he hated living in a universe where everyone could hear the music their soulmate was listening to. At first it can seem awesome, but nope.

Guacamole, gua-guacamole...

It was 2 AM. He was gonna kill them.

Guacamole, gua-guacamole.

Tony's frustrated screams were muffled by his pillow.


Peter was sitting on a rooftop, just vibing to his awesome music, but Karen shook him out of his happiness to alert him of a robbery happening nearby.

What a mean criminal.

Sighing in sad defeat, Peter stood up from his spot at the top of the tallest building and jumped off of it.

"Peel the avocado, peel the avocado..." he sang under his breath as he swung. He then arrived to the where the robbery was taking place and landed in front of the criminal. "Peel the avocado, peel the avocado..." Peter webbed the woman up and started freeing the hostages. "Guacamole, gua-guacamole..." They all thanked him quickly and ran away in fear as the woman kept on struggling against the cocoon that held her in place. Peter did a military salute towards her and pulled on a web behind him to leave. "Guacamole, gua-guacamole."

The song finished. Peter paused. He hadn't felt it enough...

Peel the avocado, peel the avocado...


Tony almost tore his hair out in pure frustration.

Peel the avocado, peel the avocado...

Why was his soulmate so cruel?

Peel the avocado, peel the avocado...

Tony was going to murder them.

Guacamole, gua-guacamole...

He would murder them and he would have no regrets.

Guacamole, gua-guacamole.

He sighed in relief. The song was over.

Finally, peace.

Peel the avocado, peel the avocado...

"That's it. I'm going to look for them and I'm going to murder them."

With that, Tony got up from his bed and started giving orders to Friday, numbering every song he had listened to through the bond during that week and developing an algorithm to find his soulmate.

He was so done.


Peter was at the top of the same building again, just chilling and vibing to his music. Then Iron Man landed in front of him, muffling the music.

What a mean man.

"Peter Parker? You're going to stop that song right now."

The spiderling didn't care that Iron Man knew his secret identity, nor that it was his hero who was in front of him. He just wanted to finish listening to his song!

Peter pouted. "Nope."

Tony Stark came out of the suit and literally screamed in frustration. "I swear to god, kid, if you don't stop that right now I'm going to break your phone."

"Rude," Peter said before sighing and stopping the track.

"Finally!" Tony said in pure relief. "It was driving me insane!"

While the billionaire finished his internal victory dance, Peter stared in confusion.

"Hold up. What?"

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