Definitely not a bad day

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Summary: Nope, the day hadn't been bad at all. The ones having bad days now were the Avengers. How could Harley and Peter not realize their feelings towards each other? It was frustrating, for God's sake.

Warning: this is disgustingly sweet and you will probably die for the amount of adorableness in it... Just in case any of you don't like romance

Part 2 of "Bad day?"


The previously bad day had turned out to be one of the best days of his life.

Who cared if Flash was an asshole, or if he had been hurt, or if his bag was stolen, or if Happy didn't listen to him, or of the security guard was kinda mean?

At the end of the day, Peter didn't care about Flash, he had better friends and people who cared for him surrounding him. He had been hurt, but his family was there to take care of it and make sure he would be alright. His bag went missing, but that really wasn't a problem when your mentor (aka dad) was a billionaire that loved to spoil you. And what if Happy didn't listen to him? Peter had friends and family that loved him and were always happy to give some of their time to listen to him. And about the security guard... Peter couldn't blame him; it was his job after all.

That day, his family had pampered him and given him more attention than usual, which was saying a lot. He had even gotten a hug from Tony!

But the real highlight of the day was another. His name? Harley Keener.

That man looked like he had been sculpted by Greek gods themselves from Peter's perspective, and he often found himself thinking of him in ways that couldn't be justified by friendship.

Peter had fallen for Harley. Hard.

But god if he had reasons to. The boy was brilliant, an absolute genius with an unmatched creativity (Potato gun? Ring any bell?). Peter could stare at him for hours on end and never get bored, finding a new detail about him to admire each time he did.

And Harley wasn't any different.

To his eyes, Peter was a literal angel: the most selfless and adorable person he had ever met. When he smiled or laughed, Harley had to do a conscious effort to stop himself from staring and smiling like an idiot, but he was tempted every time.

Harley could swear he melted every time Peter carelessly gifted him a look as if it were nothing, when it caused a zoo to appear inside the stomach of the boy from Tennessee. And when Peter talked science... Harley was fascinated by it, but he found it hard to pay attention to the words leaving Peter's mouth when he sounded so excited and looked as happy as he did.

But neither of them knew about the other's feelings.


"I swear to god, I saw the sun hiding in shame after seeing how bright Peter was."

"That's called nighttime, Harley," Tony said with a sigh. The boy payed him no mind.

"And have you heard him laugh? I didn't know sounds could be addictive until now."

"Harls, I love you but please stop," Tony said in tiredness, rubbing his eye.

The boy pouted. "You're not fun."


"Is it just me or is Harley the most intelligent person alive?" Peter said in a low voice while the boy he spoke about worked in the lab.

"I take offense in that," Tony said as he stopped working.

Peter's eyes left the blonde's busy hands for a few seconds, and he looked at his mentor as if he had forgotten he was there in the first place.

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