Ch. 2

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Patton ran as fast as he could, which wasn't very fast considering that he was fighting off a mild concussion.

He had stabbed Remus.

What was he thinking?! Patton halted, leaning against the wall to support himself. He looked at his hands.

One half the bloody knife, while the other had bruised knuckles. "What am I doing?" Patton mumbled, furrowing his brow. "I'm Morality. I'm in charge here. I shouldn't be running away."

He looked around, finding himself in the dark side of the mind palace. "Fantastic," He murmured, eyeing the dark walls in distaste.

He fell to his knees, a sudden rush of dizziness overwhelming him. "Stupid Remus and his stupid mace." Patton scoffed. He knew Remus would correct him, claiming it was a morning star. He frankly didn't care.

Patton wondered how things had gone so wrong. He had had (english is a fantastic language) them all wrapped around his finger, but one little slip up sent his world tumbling down.

"This is all Deceit's fault." Patton sneered, slumping against the wall. "I wish I could just--"

"--kill him?" A voice finished for him. Patton scowled, eyes glaring at the figure in front of him.

"What do you want?" Patton growled.

"I should be the one asking that, you are on our side after all." The stranger hummed. "Though I can't really call it mine anymore, can I? What with the dark sides banishing me and all." He waved his hand absentmindedly.

"If you came here to gloat, make it quick." Patton sneered. The figure chuckled.

"Oh, quite the contrary." The figure smirked. "I want to strike a deal. We share a common enemy." He offered Patton a hand.

Patton took it, eyeing the figure suspiciously. "Speak," He ordered.

"You and I both want Deceit's head on a spike, no? With my help, we can have all the sides bowing to our will."

"Do you think I'm a revenge driven maniac?" Patton sneered. "What's in it for me?"

"Ah, I got the feeling you would say that. Under all that blood you're still just a naive little thing, aren't you?" He grabbed Patton's chin. "What if I could give you Creativity back?"

"What?" Patton asked, grabbing the figures hand and roughly shoving it away from him.

"I know how much you loved that pompous buffoon. It killed you inside when you did what you did, didn't it?"

"I did what had to be done. He betrayed me." Patton snapped. "Traitors are the scum of the earth."

"Aren't you one to talk?"

"Shut up!" Patton barked. "Everything I did was for the greater good! I did it so Thomas could be perfect!"

"Perfect, such a subjective term." The figure tsked. "I can help make Thomas perfect."

"What do you have in mind?" Patton asked, deciding to humor him.

"We share a distaste for Remus, yes?" He chuckled. "If we get rid of him, only Roman will remain. I believe then, Creativity will finally regain his memory. The only thing that won't be there is the icky bits."

"So you want to kill Remus?" Patton asked. "Easier said than done."

"You nearly succeeded, how hard can it be?"

"You little--!"

"Temper, Morality. Wouldn't want you exploding on me like you did on Logan. Especially not with a knife in your hands."

"You're so funny." Patton murmured dryly. "And why do you want to bring Creativity back, hmm? You never liked him."

"Creativity was very influential, as much as it pains me to admit. If we controlled him, we could have everything we ever wanted."

"And how do I know can I trust you?" Patton asked. The figure snorted and shoved Patton into the wall.

"You really can't." The figure smirked, getting right in Patton's face. "But I hear you never go against your gut."

"My reputation precedes me, then." Patton replied with fake confidence. "If you double cross me, you won't live to regret it."

"Big words from such a little thing." The figure gave him a couple of pats on the head.

"Fine, I'll play your little game." Patton gave him a smirk, slapping his hand away. "Don't make me regret it, Apathy."

"Oh trust me, Morality," He grinned. "You won't."


"How is he?" Roman asked at first sight of Logan.

"I managed to stabilize him, barely." Logan released a shaky breath. "He'll live."

"Oh thank god," Virgil sighed.

"What happened to him?" Logan asked, gesturing to Deceit, who was lying on the floor.

Roman had summoned a pillow for him, and Virgil had placed his hoodie over him like a makeshift blanket.

"He fainted." Roman replied simply.

"I see." Logan nodded. He stared at Deceit's face for a little longer, before coughing and looking away. "Do we have any idea where Patton went?"

"Not a clue," Roman scowled. "But I swear, when I see him I'm gonna--"

"Ro," Virgil said. Roman glanced at him, before sighing.

"Sorry," Roman mumbled.

"Perhaps we could get Thomas to summon him?" Logan suggested. Roman clapped his hands.

"A splendid idea! This is why you are the smart one!"

"We're just going to face him without a plan?" Virgil asked. Roman paused.

"Yeah, what the hell, Logan? I thought you were the smart one!" Roman exclaimed.

Logan rolled his eyes. "I never said we weren't going to have a plan."

"Yeah Virgil, let him speak!"

"You need to shut the fuck up."

"I do not believe it to be wise to face Patton while we are so..." Logan trailed off, looking for the exact word he wanted to use.

"Dis-cum-boob-ulated?" Roman offered. Logan and Virgil stared at him. "What?! Remus isn't here to say it so I did!"

"We should wait until we are in better preparation." Logan told them. Virgil and Roman nodded in agreement.

"Right as always, Lo!" Roman gave him a broad smile. "Well, I'm off to go shower to wash off the, uh..."

"Yeah yeah, we get the idea." Virgil waved him off. "Go rinse and lather."

"You always understood me, Stormcloud." Roman gave Virgil a wink before walking back to his room.


I'm writing a mile a minute bro idk

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