Ch. 9

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"I did what you asked, now what?!" Patton yelled. Cassius sighed.

"Shh, this is my quiet time." He frowned, continuing to make himself a sandwich.

"Apathy," Patton growled. "In the plan, you said that the fall would begin now! News flash! Nothing is happening!"

"Calm down, Patton." Cassius told him gently. "Quiet time."

Patton's eye twitched, but he took a deep breath nonetheless. "You said that now would be the best time to attack Remus because he's vulnerable--"

"When did I say that?" Cassius tilted his head in confusion.

"Don't play dumb!" Patton snapped. "You told me that 'the fall would begin after we turned Roman against Remus.' Those were your exact words!"

"Did I say anything about attacking Remus?" Cassius took a bite of his sandwich. Patton opened his mouth to retort, before shutting it with a snap.

" You didn't." Patton mumbled. "Well--What else could you have meant?!"

"Quiet time," Cassius reminded Patton, taking another bite. He chewed, then swallowed. "The fall hasn't even begun yet."

"WHAT?!" Patton screamed. Cassius winced at the volume. "What do you mean it hasn't begun yet?! Did you lie to me?!"

"No," Cassius replied shortly, going to take another bite of his sandwich.

Patton slapped it out of his hands and onto the floor. Cassius looked genuinely upset by this.

"Can you pay attention to me for once?!" Patton yelled. "Frankly, I don't think I need you."


"I can carry out the rest of the plan just fine without you! You're dispensable to me!"


"All I need to do now is take care of that little roach, right?! I don't need your help for that!" Patton smirked.

Cassius blinked, before giggling. "Did you just call Remus a 'little roach?' That's kinda the perfect description."

"Face it, Apathy. You're absolutely useless to me."

"...oh? Is that so?" Cassius hummed, looking at his sandwich on the floor. "Pick it up."

"What? No." Patton scoffed.

"Patton," Cassius smiled sweetly. "Pick it up."

Patton fidgeted anxiously for a second, before growling and reaching down to pick up the sandwich.

Cassius stomped on Patton's head, causing him to fall and smash his face in the sandwich. "Wh-Wha--"

"I will sit here and let you call me anything you want, Morality. Hell, I'll even let you think you're the leader of this operation." Cassius told him flatly.

He pressed down harder, forcing Patton's face to smush into the sandwich even more.

"But if you ever, ever, call me useless again," Cassius twitched. "I will toss you back to the others and let them decide your fate. Understand?"

Patton didn't answer.

"I said, 'understand?'"

"...y-yes...sir." Patton seethed, utterly embarrassed. Cassius' bubbly persona came back in an instant, but he didn't remove his foot from Patton's head.

"Now, beg for my forgiveness." Cassius chirped. "Go on, beg."

Patton stayed silent, fists clenching.

"I said beg, you little shit."

"...p-please, Apathy. Please...f-forgive me--"

"You call that begging? C'mon, like you mean it!" Cassius exclaimed, bubbly smile never faltering.

"P-Please! Please, forgive me!" Patton gritted out.

"Pathetic," Cassius said, finally removing his foot from Patton's head. "Now, clean yourself up, would you? I'm trying to enjoy my quiet time."


"Waste of space? Waste of space?!" Remus growled. "He calls me a waste of space and he just--" He slammed his morning star on the head of the Roman clone.

He was in the Imagination, taking his frustration out on multiple Roman clones. It was the only way he knew how to cope with anything.

Remus wasn't even sure who he was mad at, Roman or himself. He was overwhelmed in a feeling of inadequacy, wondering if that's how Roman really felt about him all this time.

Remus was so angry. So very, very angry.

But he knew that wasn't true. He was scared. So scared of losing his brother again because of some stupid argument.

Maybe Roman was right. Maybe he really was just a waste of space. He had no practical use. He was essentially worthless.

He rose his morning star, slammed it down, and watched in horrific fascination as a Remus clone fell to the ground.

He looked at all the corpses he had gone through, and found they were all him now as well.

"Would you look at that?" Remus mumbled, laughing so that he wouldn't cry.

He figured that he should probably leave the Imagination now.



"How dare he, Logan?! How dare he speak to me that way?!"

"You were were figuratively crossing the line--"

"He called me evil! A pushover! God, I hate him!" Roman seethed, throwing his sword against the wall of his bedroom.

"That's a little extreme." Logan said calmly.

"I-I wish Patton had killed him! I hope he drops dead!"

"Roman, you're being irrational."

"I'm being irrational?! He's the one who's so annoyingly insufferable! I believe my reaction is justified!"

"I often say your beliefs are irrational."

"You're taking his side!"

"I'm not taking any sides, I'm disappointed in both of you equally."

"Get out." Roman seethed. Logan rose a brow.

"Fine, calm yourself down." Logan shrugged, walking out of Roman's rooms.


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