Ch. 25

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Roman was getting impatient. Everyone except him had gone now. Logan was finishing up, so Roman had to wait for his turn.

So far, everyone had shot him wary glances as soon as they came out. It was beginning to piss him off.

Logan finally walked out of the room, his expression carefully neutral.

He took a deep breath, before turning to Roman. "You're next."

Roman stood up, giving Logan a firm nod.

"Ro...!" Remus began, walking towards him. Roman turned to him, raising a brow. "I-I--" Remus swallowed.

"Yes?" Roman asked, concerned. Remus frowned, before sighing and giving him a grin.

"I love you, little bro." Remus gave him a playful punch on the shoulder.

Logan looked like he wanted to comment on how they were the same age, but Janus simply shook his head.

Remus didn't say it, but Roman picked up the message he was trying to convey.

I'm sorry.

Roman tilted his head, confused. " you too." Roman said, giving him a small smile.

Roman walked to the door, opened it, and went inside.


Roman walked to the door, opened it, and went inside.

"He's gonna hate me." Remus plopped down on the floor.

"If he does, I'll beat his ass." Virgil said, plopping down next to him.

Remus snorted, glancing at Virgil. "That'd be fun to watch. Roman is waaaaay stronger than any of us. Well, maybe Janus could be a challenge."

"Damn straight."

"I would say that you are equally as strong, Remus." Logan pushed up his glasses. "We all have the same level of physical strength, but what makes Roman a more difficult opponent is his will to press on. All of us, to some level, hold back if engaged in physical fighting."

"Maybe he's stronger because he's the only one who's been trained?" Virgil mumbled to himself.

"But Remus, you press on because you don't fear the consequences. You don't think about the result of your actions, you just do whatever you want."

"Thank you...?"

"So, in the end, it would be you against Roman." Logan hummed. "Unless, of course, you didn't have the will to harm him."


"Why are we talking like Roman is definitely going to be mad when he returns?" Janus asked, crossing his arms.

"The probability of him being upset is at 60%." Logan stated. "We are only discussing what to do in case the need arises."

"Logan, how many self defense techniques have you memorized?" Janus frowned.

"69." Logan replied.

Remus snorted. "Nice."

"I'm sorry?" Logan tilted his head.

"Ignore him." Janus shot Remus a glare. "Now, Logan, how many of these self defense techniques were useful when Patton attacked you?"

Logan fell silent, eyes widening. Virgil shot Janus a glare.


"It's a simple question, Anxiety." Janus hissed.

"You still shouldn't--"

"No, it's fine." Logan waved him off, pale as a sheet. "It just startled me, is all."

"Logan, I know you want us all to stay safe." Janus told him, gaze softening. "But any plan to defend ourselves would certainly be forgotten in an instant."

"I..." Logan rubbed his chin in thought. "I understand your point, but Remus would not be as affected as--"

"Really? Remus wouldn't be affected at all by his brother attacking him?" Janus rose a brow.

"Remus is sitting right here and would appreciate if you didn't talk about him like he wasn't." Remus said.

"Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?" Logan asked, tilting his head.

"Yes I did! You into it?" Remus winked. Logan seemed even more confused, but thought better than to ask Remus what he meant.

"You disgust me." Virgil crossed his arms.

"I love you too, emo!" Remus booped Virgil's nose, much to the latter's displeasure.

"So," Remy spoke up. Everyone jumped, forgetting he was there. "When do you plan to move back to the dark side?"

Everyone fell silent at that. To be perfectly honest, Remus and Janus hadn't even thought about that.

"Well," Logan cleared his throat. "Cassius is still there, yes? Is it wise to head back whilst he's residing there."

"Knowing him, he's probably waiting for us." Janus mumbled, sighing. "We'll have to face him sooner or later."

"I see." Logan huffed, looking slightly disappointed. "Well, you're both always welcome here."

"Of course, thank you." Janus gave him a nod. "We really appreciate everything you've done for us, though I wish the circumstances were a bit better."

"It's really not a problem." Logan shook his head. "We're all going through a lot. It's important that we be there for each other."

"Right." Janus hummed. Logan cleared his throat.

"That is to say, everyone should be there for each other. Not just you and I." Logan clarified.

"Right." Janus nodded.

"Although the two of us should be there for each other, it should not be exclusive." Logan continued.

"Of course."

"Can you two stop making bedroom eyes at each other for a second and include us in the conversation?" Remus asked.

"I'm sorry?" Logan tilted his head.

"Ignore him." Janus shot Remus a glare. "When do you think we should leave?"

"I dunno, after this whole situation had been cleared up?" Remus shrugged. "I don't really care. Anytime works for me."

A loud bang cut through the air.

Everyone's eyes shot to Patton's door, which had swung open.

Roman stood there.

And he looked absolutely furious.


This book do be dying tho 💃🏻💃🏻

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