Ch. 12

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Remus had hoped that this whole thing had been a dream. He had never impersonated Roman, the whole thing had been a weird hallucination. A nightmare, even.

But when he woke up in a cage for the ninth morning in a row, he figured that the universe decided to give him the largest middle finger ever. It was pretty lonely, considering the only times he got visitors were when he needed food. But they eventually just stopped bringing it because Remus got too annoying.

Whatever, he didn't want Roman's "food" anyways.

It was disgusting, and coming from Remus that was saying something. Remus wouldn't want his worst enemy to eat that shit. Virgil refused to look at him the few times he had come in to bring food. He wasn't sure if he felt guilty or Remus' face was so disgusting that he couldn't look.

Remus must've had the worst luck in the world. First, he gets ripped away from his brother, then he gets accused of torturing him, the he gets fucking shanked, then he gets into a fight with his brother, and now he's locked in a stupid cage for something he didn't do.

Yeah, great display of trust.

He was mad. He was mad at Roman, for jumping to conclusions without proper investigation. He was mad at Virgil who sided with Roman because "oh my god Roman's so gorgeous and perfect so he couldn't possibly be wrong!" He was mad at Janus, for leaving him right when he said he would never. He was mad at Logan for falling down the fucking stairs. He was mad at Patton for everything he had ever done.

But most of all, he was mad at himself.

Because most of this was his fault, wasn't it?

If he had just tried a little harder to be good. If he had tried just tried a little harder to not be a fucking mistake then he wouldn't be here right now. He had been reckless, trying to save Roman from himself. Stupidstupidstupid--

"Oh, this is fitting." An eerily familiar voice chuckled in front of him. He looked up, glaring at the side. "You're like a little dog in a kennel! Can I pet you?"

"Cassius," Remus growled, shooting mental daggers into Apathy's head. "I thought we had kept you under lock and key."

"Huh? Oh! You mean Gluttony and Lust?" Cassius giggled, waving him off. "They were so easy to get passed! It was kinda sad."

"Sad? Maybe for others, but not for you." Remus shrugged. "After all, you may be an extremely expressive side, but you don't feel anything at all. Ever. Isn't that right, Apathy?"

"Aww, you remembered, Ree-Ree?" Cassius chirped. "Why are you so serious, anyways? What happened to the wild card I used to know?"

A knife flew out of the cage and embedded itself in Cassius' shoulder.

"Oh, I spoke too soon. You're still there." Cassius chuckled, violently ripping the knife out and twirling it around in his hand.

"If you came here to gloat, make it quick." Remus scoffed.

"Funny, Patton said the exact same thing." Cassius hummed, looking at the knife.


"Oh, that was supposed to be a secret, wasn't it? That's my bad!" Cassius giggled. "So--"

"You're here to kill me, right?" Remus asked flatly. Cassius nodded excitedly.

"Sharp as always! It's nothing personal, Ree-Ree, I just have a plan." Cassius shrugged. "You know I love you!"

"Love to manipulate me, maybe." Remus snorted.

"You're still upset about that?" Cassius pouted. Remus rolled his eyes.

"Go ahead, kill me. I doubt anyone will try and stop you." He grumbled. He caught Cassius staring at him, and flushed with embarrassment. "Yeah, I'm salty! Shut up!"

"I didn't say anything." Cassius shrugged. Cassius pulled out the gun he had been hiding in his coat. He aimed it right at Remus' head. "Sweet dreams!"



Logan groaned as consciousness finally returned to him. What had happened? The last thing he remembered was...

Logan shot up. Janus!

He looked around, noticing that he was in his room. He saw yellow out of the corner of his eye, and whipped his head toward the source.

Janus sat on the floor, eyes blank and unfocused. Logan rushed over to him, already scanning his form for injuries. "Janus? Are you okay?" He asked when he couldn't find any visible injuries. Janus said nothing, not making any sort of indication he had heard him.

Logan cursed. This was the work of Apathy, no doubt about it. They couldn't fix this.

A crash behind him caused him to whirl around. Virgil had dropped the tray of food he was holding. "L-Logan!" He exclaimed, rushing over and engulfing Logan in a large hug. "We were afraid you weren't going to wake up!"

Logan didn't say anything, just gently pushed Virgil away from him. "Where's Roman?"

"Went to go feed Remus"

"Feed Remus?"

"...he's...uh--" Virgil played with the sleeves of his hoodie.

"Why do I get the feeling that I'm not going to like the answer?" Logan grumbled, pushing up his glasses. "Where is Remus?"

"Remus did this to Janus. We were forced to lock him up." Virgil told him, avoiding eye contact.

"What? No, he didn't." Logan scoffed. "This is the clearly the work of Apathy."

"B-But Roman said--!"

"Roman was the one who said that?" Logan asked incredulously. "Interesting. Well, we better go and free Remu--"

A scream pierced through the air.


The storyboard for this book? Nonexistent!

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