Ch. 6

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"Fuck!" Roman cursed, slamming the door to his room. He had left after dumping Remus with Logan. "Why am I such an asshole?" He asked, sliding down the door.

He just had to go and get angry again, like he always does. He just had to go and ruin everything, like he always does. Why couldn't Roman be normal? Remus was just trying to help him and he lashed out, like he always did.

He remembered the blood that spread after Remus dodged Roman's sword. Roman could have killed him.

But he was still so angry. He was so mad, he didn't know what to do with himself. Patton was the reason Remus was hurt. None of this would've happened if Roman had been able to stop Patton. Unfortunately, Roman doubted he would ever be strong enough to do something like that.

No, he wouldn't accept that. Roman was supposed to be strong. He was the physical representation of bravery, for crying out loud.

"That's it," Roman decided, standing up with a scowl on his face.

Roman would find Patton and put a stop to this. He would find him today.

Remus may not have appreciated Roman's efforts, he didn't understand yet. But he would, everyone would understand when Roman returned with Patton's head in his hand.

Now if he was Patton, where would he go?

He couldn't have ran far. Roman knew what it was like to run with a concussion. It wasn't easy. Where was somewhere that wasn't that far, but no one would look to find him?

Roman summoned his sword again. He knew exactly where. Patton may not have even been aware he was doing it, but he always ran to the dark side for help.

Perhaps it was the subconscious need to run to Deceit? Deceit was notorious for knowing exactly how to deal with mental health, he figured that fact doubled to those he was close with.

Roman burst out of his room, a newfound determination coursing through his veins. He would kill Patton. And he would do it now.

He looked around, seeing if anyone was there to stop him. They wouldn't understand what he needed to do, not yet.

Romam paused briefly. What would happen to Thomas?

He shook his head. It didn't matter right now. Thomas would understand what he needed to do.

He was the hero. The hero always defeats the bad guys.


Logan cursed Roman in his head as he watched Remus collapse into ugly sobs. He didn't know what had happened, he didn't want to know what happened.

It was unusual for Roman not to stick around if Remus was hurt. He was concerned about the prince, as unusual as that was for him.

Still, it was aggravating that he had dumped his sobbing brother into Logan's arms. He didn't even say a word about why they were in Logan's room before he departed.

"Remus," Logan began gently. "What's the matter?"

"I'm so stupid!" He cried, wiping st his eyes furiously. "I knew he was upset and I just--"

"Slow down, breathe." Logan ordered softly. "What happened?"

So Remus relayed the entire argument to Logan, whose grimace grew more intense as Remus went on.

"So, sorry if this sounds harsh, but," Logan frowned. "why are you here?"

"Oh, my stitches reopened." Remus sniffled.

"What?!" Logan exclaimed, standing up and rushing over to a table to grab his latex gloves. "Why didn't you say anything?!"

"It didn't come up." Remus shrugged weakly. Logan bit his tongue to stop himself from yelling at the duke.

"Please open with that next time." Logan sighed. "Not that there will be a next time. Listen, Remus. Roman loves you, he's your brother. He just needs some time to calm down, give him some breathing room for a bit."

"But--I dunno--"

"Roman is smart, I doubt he'll do anything unreasonable." Logan paused, contemplating what he just said. "...don't quote me on that."

"I feel like he shouldn't be left alone." Remus frowned. "He's going to do something, I can feel it."

"Even if he is, you're in no condition to go after him." Logan told him firmly. "Now roll up your shirt, we mustn't waste anymore time."


Patton tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for Apathy to finish eating his breakfast. Apathy had promised to tell him his role in the plan after breakfast.


"Cassius," He said offhandedly, not even looking up from his pancakes.

"What?" Patton asked, furrowing his brow.

"That's my name." He said, looking up at Patton. Patton was annoyed that Apathy spoke to him as if he was a child. He placed his hand on his chest, speaking slowly. "Cassius,"

"...Apathy," Patton continued, not even pretending he didn't see the offended expression on Apathy's face. "I would appreciate if you would go a little faster as to not waste my time."

"Aww, you're like a little kid!" Cassius giggled, reaching over and ruffling Patton's hair. "Just be patient, little one. You just gotta wait a little longer!"

Patton scowled, slapping Apathy's hand away. "My patience grows thin."

"Man," Cassius huffed, pointing his form at Patton. "For a dad, you sure act like a little kid."

"I will walk out of here right now, so help me--"

"But that wouldn't be smart, now would it?" Apathy asked, a cold grin overtaking his usually warm and friendly one. "Considering you have no where else to go."

Patton scoffed, crossing his arms. He said nothing, only glared at Apathy. Apathy quickly returned to his usual demeanor and ate his pancakes. Patton noted how he seemed to be bouncing in his seat.

"You sure are a great cook, Patton!" Apathy grinned like an idiot at Patton. "These pancakes are great!"

"Shut up and eat." Patton snapped. "I want to discuss this already."

"Temper, Morality. We talked about this." Cassius shook his head, chuckling slightly. He took the last bite of his pancake, then grinned at Patton.

"Now, what do I have to do?" Patton asked, leaning foward.

Cassius explained his plan to Patton excitedly, and Patton didn't think it was half bad.


There's so much happening in this chapter. Feels kinda messy idk.

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