Ch. 14

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You know that feeling when you wanna make a new book but you have no ideas for one?

Roman groaned as he came to. He was tied to the SAME FUCKING POLE REMUS HAD TIED HIM TO. He struggled against the ropes for a second, before huffing and resigning to his fate. What was going on?

"You're awake," Someone spoke up from in front of him.

There stood Virgil, smiling weakly at Roman. If Roman hadn't been as alert, he wouldn't have noticed Remus, who was watching in the shadows. Fucking creep.

"It appears I am, R.L. Whine." Roman frowned. "Can I have an explanation as to why I'm tied up again?"

"Roman, tell me what you were doing after your fight with Remus." Logan, who was stood behind Roman, spoke up.

"Which one?" Roman snorted, glaring at his brother. Remus didn't even flinch.

"The first one." Remus told him, twirling a shuriken around in his fingers. "After you dropped me off at Logan's."

"Well, I went to go..." Roman trailed off, furrowing his brow. What was he doing? "I'm not sure, actually. I just know that I woke up in Janus' room."

"You 'woke up?'" Logan asked, moving so he was in front of Roman now. "Why were you asleep in the first place?"

"I don't know! I just woke up there!" Roman snapped. "It's not like I decided to sleep there! I'm not that stupid!"

"Debatable." Virgil shrugged. Roman shot him a fierce glare, and he almost immediately sunk in on himself.

"Okay, why were you there?" Logan asked, calm as ever. Roman frowned as he tried to think of an answer.

"I don't know."

"That's not an acceptable answer, Princey!" Virgil snapped. "I'm worried about you! You've been acting so weird ever since your fight with Remus!"

"We're all worried about you, Roman." Logan spoke up. Remus snickered at the way Virgil went bright red. "We need you to remember. Why were you in Janus' room?"

"I..." Roman pursed his lips. "I really don't know, I'm sorry."

"Roman, I believe I know the cause of this." Logan said, gaining everyone's attention. "Patton is the source of emotions and memories, you began to exhibit anger and hatred towards your brother without seeming to recall the good memories shortly after you woke up in Janus' room."

"So what? You're saying Patton brainwashed me? I would've beat him into a pulp before he could even touch me!" Roman scoffed.

"I completely agree." Logan hummed. "You tower over Patton, you would've easily stopped me."

"Good to see that you're finally using that big brain of yours, Loga--"

"However," Logan pushed up his glasses. "this theory makes a certain someone's involvement in this scenario very clear. We shouldn't be asking how Patton would be able to brainwash him, we should be asking why he would able to brainwash him."

"Oh great! You've lost me." Roman scowled.

"Roman, you're easily the bravest side in the mindscape."


"It would have been easy for you to take down Patton. That is, if he didn't have an accomplice." Logan smirked.

"Okay, Sherlock, I can see you're dying to tell me who the accomplice would be." Roman grumbled. "Enlighten me."

"Apathy...or Cassius. Whatever." Logan scoffed. "Apathy has the ability to dampen our emotions so much, it feels as if they're not there at all."

"Well, that wouldn't be a problem for you!" Roman jibed. Logan's eye twitched, but he made not other indication that the comment bothered him.

"My guess is that Cassius dampened all of your emotions, making you not feel the motivation to do anything at all." Logan hummed, adjusting his tie. "And then Patton did the rest."

"This feels like we're playing Ace Attorney." Remus mumbled to Virgil, who scowled and slapped his arm.

"That doesn't answer all of our questions, though." Logan shrugged. "We still have one remaining question, why was Roman there to begin with? Think as hard as you can, Roman. Patton has a mental block on your mind that is prohibiting this memory from coming to light."

Roman furrowed his brow. It was silent for a few tense moments, before Roman's eyes suddenly widened. "I...I remember everything!"

"Wow, who knew logic could be useful?" Remus commented. Logan mercifully ignored this jab.

"Oh my god, Remus! I was so--and I made you--and oh my god the morning star--"

"All is forgiven, baby!" Remus beamed. "I'm--"

"Now c'mon, get dressed. You're my date to the pep rally tonight." Roman mumbled under his breath.

"--just so glad you're back!" Remus chirped, smiling wider than he had in days.

"So Roman, why were you in Janus' room?" Logan asked, unable to stop a small smile from reaching his lips.

"I wanted to go and kill Patton." Roman said casually. "Clearly didn't work. Can someone untie me, please?"

Logan nodded and obeyed this command.

The second Roman's feet touched the ground, he found Virgil's lips suddenly on his own.

Remus gasped and covered Logan's eyes.

Virgil quickly pulled away, red as a beet. " god. Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Virgil stammered, pushing himself away. "I just--I was so relieved--"

"Wow," Roman mumbled, cheeks dusted light pink that. "You suck at kissing."

"Wha--Shut up!" Virgil yelled, turning even redder. "I haven't had a lot of practice, y'know!"

"Well, how about we give you a little practice?" Roman tilted his head, gently grabbing Virgil's waist and pulling their lips together once more.

Remus, once again, gasped and covered Logan's eyes.

"This is all fun and good," Logan began, grabbing Remus' hand and violently yanking it away from his face. "but we need to plan our next move."

Roman reluctantly pulled away from the bright red Virgil, both extremely red. "Right."

"Look at my little bro! Get some!" Remus whooped, punching his twin in the shoulder. Both Roman and Virgil turned even more crimson (somehow), glaring at Remus.

"Little bro? You two were created at the exact same time." Logan furrowed his brow. "And what do you mean by 'get some?' Get some what?"

"Oh Logan, poor sweet little Logan." Remus sighed, hooking his arm around Logan's neck.

"If you don't stop touching me I will end you--"

"You have lots to learn, my nerdy friend." Remus smirked playfully,

Logan scoffed and slapped Remus' hand, making him yelp and pull it to his chest. "Can we focus?"


Writing fluff feels so...foreign.

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