Ch. 18

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"You're not Remus."

Cassius immediately plastered a smile on his face, tilting his head slightly. "You finally noticed, huh? Yeah, there's no way that's my Ree-Ree. He would've talked way more. If I had to guess, I'd say that was--"

"ROMAN!" Patton roared, fury increasing tenfold.

"Yeah!" Cassius giggled.

"You--You devious little villain!" Patton seethed, red in the face. "You and your brother tricked me! You absolute demon!"

Roman was too terrified to speak. Patton was absolutely fuming. Morality had that look in his eyes again. The look of a monster preparing to attack.

"...h-hey, Padre." He choked out, reverting back to his real form.

"But I thought--we turned you against him! Didn't we turn Roman against him?!" Patton whipped his head over to Cassius. "I blocked all those memories!"

"Guess he remembered them." Cassius shrugged. Patton scowled, snapping his fingers.

The same knife Patton had plunged into Remus appeared in his hands. "When I get my hands on you--" Patton hissed, raising his knife, about to stab it into Roman.

Roman braced himself, closing his eyes tightly.

Patton had a wild look in his eyes, and he was practically foaming at the mouth. Before he stabbed the knife down, he hesitated.

He furrowed his brow, preparing himself to stab Roman once again.

"FUCK!" Patton screamed and threw the knife at Cassius, who calmly sidestepped to avoid it. Patton scowled at the stunned and confused face of Roman. "You're lucky I need you, Romulus!"

"Romulus? That hasn't been my name for a long time, Patton." Roman spat. Patton growled, glaring at the prince.

"It will be your name again soon. I swear it on my life." Patton sneered. Cassius rose a brow at that, but didn't comment on it. "So when did you regain your memories, huh? Was it when Remus was shot? Or maybe shortly after locking him in the cage? I bet you kept him in there to fool me! That must be it!"

"Wow, brilliant as ever." Roman rolled his eyes. He kept his focus on Cassius. Roman was mentally simulating what a fight against Patton and Cassius would be like. Would he have a chance?

Roman had fought with these odds before, but he usually had the advantage of being in the Imagination. Without that extra boost of strength, and the disadvantage of being in their turf, Roman wasn't sure if he could win.

Not without help, anyway.

"I'd say we have about four seconds." Cassius hummed, leaning against the wall.

"Until what?" Patton asked, not even looking at him.

Roman suddenly felt a rush of determination.

Except it wasn't his own.

Remus burst into the room, a wide grin on his face. "IT'S PARTY TIME!" He exclaimed, summoning his morning star.

"SHIT!" Patton exclaimed, stumbling away from him.

"Until that." Cassius told Patton calmly, only receiving an icy glare in response.

"Remus!" An excited grin had found its way to Roman's face. His brother always had impeccable timing.

"Hey, Ree-Ree! Finally come to have some fun, huh?" Cassius chirped, waving at Remus.

Instead of playing along, like Roman expected him to do, Remus scowled at Cassius and spoke to Patton instead.

"Hey there, Patty Cake! Mind returning my brother? I think there was a bug in his programming." Remus sighed, shaking his head.

"What?" Patton asked.

"He just can't seem to remember if he's supposed to give you an 'award' or 'a sword.'" Remus shrugged.

At that moment, Patton found a sword being held to his throat.

Roman, who had broken out of his restraints at the first sight of Remus, smirked. "Didn't realize I was supposed to be handing out awards." Roman tilted his head slightly.

"Uh, duh!" Remus scoffed, bouncing over to him. "I'll take my 'Best Brother' award now."

"I can't. It's already been given to someone else." Roman shrugged. Remus dramatically gasped.


"Me." Roman smirked.

" locked me in a cage--"

"Release me." Patton growled, though both of the twins could tell he was scared.

"Or what?" Remus tilted his head, smirking. Patton gave them a smirk of his own.

"Apathy. Get them." Patton ordered.

Remus immediately whirled towards Cassius and held out his morning star threateningly. Roman couldn't point his weapon at him, but still sneered at the orange side.

Cassius just blinked. He crossed his arms, seeming to be thinking. "I dunno, Morality. I'm feeling a little too useless to do anything. I mean, what could I possibly do?" Cassius shrugged.

Patton's eyes widened comically. "Wha--You can't be serious!" Patton screamed. "Because I called you some stupid name?!"

"Oh, whatever do you mean?" Cassius gasped. "You'd never waste your breath on such a useless creature like me!"

"After all I did for you?! You're just going to throw me away?!" Patton roared, furious. Cassius was unfazed, looking Patton dead in the eyes.

"Yes, Morality. Because you've done so much for me." Cassius snorted. He turned, walking towards the door. "Well then, I'll let you boys have your fun."

He paused, glancing at Remus. "It was great seeing you again, Remus." Cassius mumbled. Remus kept his gaze on the floor, refusing to look at Cassius.

"I thought you hated him." Patton growled. Cassius glanced at Patton, a small smile on his face.

"I lied."


This feels really sloppy, but what can you do?


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