Ch. 26

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Oh? Is this the last chapter?

"Roman, I can explain--"

"Shut up, Remus." Roman growled, storming past him.

They all exchanged a glance, before following Roman.

"Roman, just give me a second to--" Remus tried to tell him.

"I said shut up!" Roman yelled, marching foward. Remus frowned, looking at Janus for reassurance.

Janus gave him a firm look, as if telling him to keep pressing.

"I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore--" Remus began slowly.

"Hey!" Roman barked, whirling around to face him.

Remus stiffened, and he heard Virgil let out a shout of suprise.

"I fucking love you." Roman hissed, pointing a finger at him.

Remus' eyes widened. "Oh--"

Roman had turned back around, and continued walking foward.

Remus caught Virgil's eye, and could immediately tell what the anxious side was thinking.

He's mad at me, then.

Remus sincerely doubted that, but didn't have the time to tell Virgil because Roman was getting too far away and they needed to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. (Run on sentence check 🤪)

"Roman, where are you going?" Logan asked.

"You'll see." Roman grumbled.

Roman led them to his room. He wrenched the door open, and immediately made a beeline to the closet.

"I would usually advise against going back into the closet, but--"

"Remus, shut up." Remy said.


Roman pulled out a box. He opened it, and began sifting through it.

"What is that?" Janus asked, tilting his head.

"Everything Patton has ever given me." Roman mumbled. Logan's eyes widened in realization. He seemed to have figured out what Roman was looking for.

"Don't tell me he..." Logan frowned. Roman nodded.

"I'm afraid I don't understand?" Janus furrowed his brow.

"You will." Roman murmured. "Found it."

He pulled out a single card.

It was the famILY card.

Except Virgil wasn't there.

"He gave this to me after he dumped Remus onto the dark side." Roman spat. "At the time, it made me feel like he was thinking of me. That I was special. I see I was wrong."

"Patton really is fond of reusing his old tricks." Janus scowled.

"Well they worked before, why wouldn't they work again?" Remy shrugged. "Or at least, that's what he was thinking."

"Well, he originally made that with you in mind, right? At least he was originally thinking of you!" Remus offered.

"That's not why I'm upset." Roman growled. "I'm upset, because he gave Virgil this as an attempt to apologize for how we treated him. And the fact that he couldn't even bother trying to be original is so fucking infuriating."

"Princey, it's fine." Virgil tried to tell him.

"It's not fine!" Roman exclaimed. "You were in a really dark place, and Patton didn't even bother making something original for you!"

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