Ch. 4

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"You're awake!" Roman exclaimed, rushing over to his brother. "How are you feeling?"

"I got shanked in the stomach, Roman. What do you think?" Remus rolled his eyes.

"You should sit down." Logan told him, standing up as well and walking over.

"I'm not gonna suddenly keel over, damn." Remus scoffed. "So, what's for breakfast?" He asked, walking past Logan and Roman and sitting down in Roman's chair.

Deceit just stared wide eyed at Remus, who wasn't sure if he was breathing or not. A minute past, before Remus cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Are you in there, Daddy Dee?" Remus asked, reaching a hand out and knocking on Deceit's forehead.

Deceit blinked a few times, seeming to regain his senses.

He cleared his throat, returning his expression to its neutral state once more. "Eggs." He said, pushing his plate over to Remus.

"Ah, yes. My favorite form of child to eat." Remus commented, picking up a fork. Virgil pushed his own plate away from him, suddenly disgusted.

"Remus, you should really go lie down." Roman frowned. "There was a lot of blood when you passed out, I don't think--"

"I'll be fine, Ro. Really, it only hurts a little bit."

"Still, Remus. I don't want you up on your feet. It's only been a day and you've been unconscious for so long--"

"Aww, were you worried about me?" Remus asked sarcastically. Roman's eyes lit up with rage.

"Yes," He choked out. "I was so worried I could barely breathe. I thought I had lost you forever, before I could get the chance to repay you for all that you've done for me."

Roman wiped at his eyes furiously, and Remus instantly felt bad. He covered up his guilt with a wide grin.

"You're so sweet, Ro!" Remus exclaimed, causing Roman to scowl. "So, what happened after I conked out?"

"Not much. Deceit passed out, but that's pretty much it." Virgil shrugged. Remus' eyes widened and he whipped his head towards Deceit.

"You passed out?!" Remus exclaimed in horror. "Why?!"

"I dunno, Remus. Maybe being covered in the blood of one of my closest friends affected me." Deceit spat bitterly. Remus shrunk in on himself slightly.

Logan sat back down in his seat. "It was most likely due to stress. The cause should be fairly obvious."

"Yeah," Remus snorted. "Patton really got me good, didn't he?"

"STOP!" Roman suddenly yelled, causing everyone to jump.

"Stop what?" Remus asked.

"Stop--Stop acting like nothing happened! You asshole! You--You--" Roman was flushed red with anger, clenching his fists at his sides. "You nearly died and you just come back and joke about it like it was nothing?!

"Princey, you need to calm down." Virgil told him gently.

"No!" Roman yelled. "I thought he had left me again! Just like all those years ago! And both of those times, who was behind it?" Roman summoned his sword.

"Roman--" Logan tried to say.

"I'm not letting this happen a third time. I'm going to kill him. Right. Now." He hissed. Remus' eyes widened comically.

"You shouldn't." Logan piped up, crossing his arms. "You shouldn't kill Patton. We shouldn't."

"And why not? It's the only thing that little shit deserves."

Remus had never seen Roman this angry before. It was kinda scaring him, which was a hard feat. The look in Roman's eyes was dangerous. Like he was willing to kill anyone to get what he wanted.

"If we killed Patton, Thomas would become..." Logan trailed off, and a look of horrific realization struck Roman's face. "Without his Morality, Thomas would have no sense of justice. No sense of right and wrong."

"Fine, I won't kill him." Roman spat. "But seriously injuring him is still an option."

"I don't think violence is the answer to this problem, Roman. You can't fight fire with fire." Deceit spoke up.

"Who said anything about fire?" Logan mumbled, confused.

"Then what do you plan to do?" Roman asked bitterly. "Ask politely that he apologize? Put him in the time out corner?"

"Time out corner, hmm?" Deceit mumbled, rubbing his chin.

Remus barked out a laugh. "Dee-Dee, you're not actually considering that are you?"

"No, of course not." Deceit snapped.

"Good, I would be concerned for your health if you were." Logan told him.

"I want Patton's blood to turn my clothes red! You're not stopping me." Roman growled, heading for the exit again.

It was then Remus decided to be really mean.

"Ro!" Remus exclaimed, jumping up. He clutched his side, wincing dramatically.

It really did hurt a bit when he did that, but Remus found pleasure in pain. All in all, he was having a good time.

Roman instantly rushed over to his brother and gently ushered him into a chair. "I told you to sit down, Butts-For-Brains." Roman grumbled.

The others instantly caught on, so they didn't say anything.

"Just--stay here, please?" Remus mumbled, giving Roman his best puppy dog eyes.

"I'll stay, just stop looking at me like you wanna eat me." Roman cringed. Remus opened his mouth to respond. "If you make an incest joke I swear to Walt Disney himself I will leave right now." Roman narrowed his eyes.

Remus closed his mouth again and pouted.

"We need to inform Thomas of the situation." Logan said, before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Is that wise?" Deceit asked. "What would Thomas think if he found out his Morality tried to kill his Intrusive Thoughts?"

"He would be grateful," Logan furrowed his brow in realization. "He wouldn't agree with us if we tried to stop Patton."

"Exactly," Deceit huffed.

"So what? We just keep Thomas in the dark?" Virgil asked incredulously. "I'm sure he would understand our perspective!"

"I dunno, Tall, Dark, And Horrible." Roman mumbled. "Thomas doesn't know Remus like we do."

"Oh yeah, Thomas hates me." Remus snorted, swiping Logan's coffee out of his hands and taking a long sip. "Bleh, this stuff is gross. I'm into it."

"Please, keep it." Logan cringed. "So what do we do?"

"We could try to bring up some of Patton's other wrongdoings?" Roman suggested. "He has to have more, right? The web of lies he spun must have been large."

Logan and Remus glanced at Deceit, who said nothing as he ate his eggs.

"We caught him strangling, Logan. Maybe that's enough for Thomas to believe us?" Virgil mumbled.

"We can only hope." Deceit sighed, furrowing his brow.


Idk man, these are more fun to write with Remus in them.

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