Ch. 20

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You misunderstand, the reason I stay up so late isn't because of you, it's the desire to finish this book and make something else. As if I would stay up for such an illogical reason.

"What could he have meant?!" Virgil asked for the 900th time that day. It had been a few hours since Patton had been imprisoned in the Imagination, and Virgil was riddled with anxiety.

"Calm down, my love, let's think about this rationally." Roman replied calmly. Virgil scowled at Roman.

"First of all, warn me before you call me that," Virgil grumbled, slightly red. "and second of all, I've been trying to think about this rationally!"

"Could've fooled me." Remus snorted. "Seriously, you look like you could begin hyperventilating at any moment now."

"I'll show you hyperventilating, you little--"

"Okay! Let's all calm down." Roman clapped his hands together. "I love you both, but oh my god--"

"Like you're one to talk about being calm!" Remus laughed. "You looked about ready to kill Patton twenty times over back there!"

"That's because I was."

"...well damn."

"What if he was lying? What if it was some mind trick to freak us out?" Virgil asked.

"Would he really do something like that?" Roman asked. "It seems kinda pointless."

"Well excuse me for trying to go through every possible option!" Virgil snapped.

"Logan, babe, can you get them to stop already?"

"Hey, shut up." Logan said, glancing up from his book. The others immediately went silent, looking at Logan in suprise.

"Very direct, babe. Super hot." The figure draped over the couch next to Logan commented, cleaning his sunglasses.

"I...don't see how it was hot. My words have no physical form." Logan furrowed his brow. The figure laughed.

"Aren't you the cutest thing?" He pinched Logan's cheek, receiving no response other than an eye twitch in annoyance.

"Remy? When did you get here?" Roman asked. The embodiment of sleep shot Roman a lazy grin.

"Not long." Remy shrugged, putting his sunglasses back on and sitting up. "Logan~! How long ago was it?"

"Precisely 6 minutes and 27.5 seconds." Logan turned the page of his book. "28, 29, 30, 31--"

"We get it." Virgil crossed his arms. "You've really been watching us argue for 6 whole minutes?"

"I was tempted to leave when I saw Mr. Doom-and-Gloom over here." Remy scoffed, rolling his eyes. "But I heard you talking about little baby Patton and had to listen in."

"You've missed a lot." Remus sighed.

"Clearly! So, did you find out who the person was?" Remy sipped his iced coffee. "I want all the deets!"

"We did." Remus nodded. Remy waited for Remus to continue, and pouted when he didn't.

"Boo, you suck!" Remy shook his head in disapproval.

"Only if I get to swallow." Remus replied. Remy laughed.



"Man, fuck you guys!" Remus huffed, crossing his arms. "It wasn't even that bad." He grumbled.

"So, where is Patton anyways?" Remy asked, taking another sip.

The others (minus Logan, who wasn't really paying attention to the conversation) exchanged a glance, before taking turns explaining the situation to Remy.

"--and so Remus currently has him in the dark side of the Imagination." Virgil finished. Remy nodded, looking oddly serious.

"He's planning on having the incident revealed to Roman." Remy frowned. Virgil and Remus instantly paled, meanwhile Logan continued reading as if he hadn't heard a thing.

"What?" Roman asked, looking at all of them. "What is he talking about?"

"Y-You don't mean...?" Virgil mumbled, looking at Remy intently. "The incident from when Thomas was you?"

"What else?" Remy huffed. "Roman is the only one who has no recollection of this. It's the only thing he could have possibly meant."

"Well then," Logan sighed, closing his book. "I suppose sharing this information with Roman is the best course of action at the moment."

"What?!" Remus and Virgil exclaimed at the same time.

"L-Logan! We can't do that!" Virgil stammered.

"Why not?" Logan tilted his head.

"Yes, Virgil, why not?" Roman rose a brow, crossing his arms.

"I-It's just that, uh, what if that's not what Patton meant?" Remus suggested, swearing buckets. "We can't tell him until we're sure!"

"If there is even the slight chance of this being the 'secret' Patton was referring to, the most logical decision right now would be to tell Roman before he finds out through other means." Logan said. "I don't understand why you are so opposed to this suggestion."



"Ah, I see." Logan pushed up his glasses. "You are afraid that Roman's perception of you will be tainted, yes?"

Both Remus and Virgil went silent.

"So hot..." Remy mumbled, sipping his coffee.

"I am 99.9% sure Roman will understand, he loves you." Logan told them gently.

"Nothing could possibly make me have I'll feelings toward either of you." Roman agreed. Remus rose a brow at that, glancing over at the door to Roman's room.


"That wasn't me." Roman squawked weakly. Remus snorted.

"I'm messing with you."

"If you're done being all cute over there, can we get this show on the road? I have a party to get to." Remy huffed. Logan rolled his eyes.

"Shall we begin, then?" Logan asked.

"...are you sure he won't get mad?" Virgil mumbled.

"Virgil," Roman gently grabbed the emo's hand. "I love you. You're my world. I'll never stop loving you, ever."

"Promise?" Virgil asked.

"I promise." Roman confirmed.

Virgil took a deep breath, relaxing. "Okay, I trust you."

Remus gagged, while Remy and Logan watched in mild boredom. "Are you both ready now?"

"So, what kind of story is this anyways?" Roman asked.

"It is a story about a dark time in Thomas' life." Logan hummed, pushing up his glasses. "It revolves around three sides. Remus, Virgil..."

Remus and Virgil exchanged a glance.

"...and Cassius."


I love writing cliffhangers, because I'm the only one who knows what'll happen next!

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