Ch. 22

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The song has nothing to do with the chapter, it just gave me such angsty Roman vibes that I just HAD to add it.

So life returned to a state of normalcy after that.

They all knew they would have to fill Thomas in soon. They weren't sure how to approach the topic. Just going 'hey, your morality was actually a manipulative psychopath this whole time' didn't seem to cut it.

Janus hadn't woken up yet. It had been about two days. Logan said not to worry about it, but that didn't stop anyone from doing just that.

Roman was sat next to Janus' bed. It was his turn to keep watch. The system had been created after they had found out that Logan had stayed next to Janus for a whole day.

"What are you thinking about?" Virgil asked, snaking his arms around Roman's torso and burying his face in his back.

"Everything, nothing." Roman mumbled, sighing. "That I need to go to the Imagination soon."

"So soon?" Virgil grumbled, tightening his grip slightly.

"I'm afraid so, Stormcloud. Thomas needs new ideas soon." Roman turned around, giving Virgil the most serious look he could muster. "We need to talk."

Virgil paled, and Roman realized how that must've sounded. "You're--"

"No! No, not anything bad." Roman laughed to ease the tension. "I just meant that we should talk"

"The relationship talk, huh?" Virgil mumbled, frowning slightly. "I've been trying to avoid that."

Roman frowned. "Why?"

"I just...don't want things to change, y'know? I like the way things are now and change just..." Virgil averted his eyes. "...scares me."

"Nothing has to change, Virgil." Roman told him gently. "I just wanna know what I can call us. So I can tell the world that you're my...?"

"Boyfriend." Virgil hummed, smiling slightly. "I'm your boyfriend, and you're mine."

"Boyfriends." Roman chuckled. "I like the sound of that. Has a nice ring, don't you think?"

"Shut up." Virgil snorted, giving him a light shove.

"This is really cute, but can you not?"

Both Roman and Virgil jumped, whipping their heads toward the bed. Janus was looking at them, an unimpressed expression on his face.

"Y-You're awake!" Roman stammered, trying to ignore the way his face burned. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired and hungry. Got anything to eat?" Janus sat up, raising a brow. Virgil, who seemed to be eager to leave, quickly rushed out the room whilst mumbling about salad.

Roman watched him leave, thinking of how traitorous his boyfriend was.


A small smile found its way to Roman's face. It really did have a nice ring to it.

"So," Janus spoke up, glaring at Roman. "You and Virge, huh?"

Roman shrunk in on himself. "Y-Yes, sir." He didn't know why he tagged the 'sir' on there but it felt right.

"I'm only giving you one warning, Roman." Janus said. "You hurt Virgil, I hurt you. Am I understood?"

"Loud and clear." Roman gulped.

"JAN-JAN!" Remus exclaimed, bursting into the room with Logan behind him.

"Remus, volume." Janus winced, bringing a hand up to his ear. He startled, looking at his hand. "Where are my--"

"Here," Logan said, handing Janus' gloves over. "I kept them clean and warm for you, they still had faint traces of blood."

"And here's your hat!" Remus chirped. He snapped and it fell from seemingly nowhere onto Janus' head.

"Virgil told us you were awake. He said you felt tired?" Logan shoved Roman out of the chair and sat down instead.

"I'll manage." Janus shrugged. "Care to fill me in on what I missed?"

Logan immediately told him of the events he had missed, ignoring the twins, who were now wrestling on the floor for some reason. He only stopped when Virgil returned with a bowl of salad in his hands.

"Boo, salad?" Remus groaned, keeping Roman in a headlock. "Jan-Jan needs some meat on his bones, Virgey!"

"That's why I gave him a chicken salad." Virgil rolled his eyes, handing it over to Janus. "Also, what are you doing?"

"Showing Ro who's the bos--WHOA!"

Roman got out of the headlock, and quickly pulled Remus into one of his own. "How do you like it?!"

"Harder!" Remus choked out. Roman immediately recoiled, letting Remus pin him down. "Ha!"

"You're a disgusting creature."

Logan ignored all this and finished his story, occasionally checking in with Roman and Remus for the details.

"--and finally, after telling Roman of the incident from Thomas' freshman year of high school, we just waited for you to wake up."

"I see..." Janus mumbled. "And you're sure he was talking about that?"

"He must have been. I don't know what else he would be talking about." Logan pursed his lips. "Do you?"

"I'm...not sure." Janus murmured, mixing his salad around. "I'll get back to you on that."

"Well, I don't wanna worry about it anymore." Roman said. "Patton is in the Imagination now, we don't have to worry about him."

"He won't stay in there if Thomas summons him." Janus mumbled. "He's betting on that."

"Then where else can we put him?" Virgil asked. Janus pursed his lips.

"...when we were dating," Janus sighed, gaining everyone's undivided attention. "when he got frustrated with me, he would put me in this place."

"What place?" Remus asked, furrowing his brow.

"The Subconscious." Janus murmured. "Basically, you can't leave, ever. Your function still works, but you're completely alone. It's dark, and it's cold, and you can't tell left from right because everything is black. You're all alone, and it's so quiet."

"He put you there?" Logan asked.

"I still preferred it over when I was with him." Janus admitted.


What do I even put as an A/N uh-

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