Ch. 8

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Tense. That was the only word Virgil could use to describe breakfast the next day.

Roman and Remus weren't speaking. They wouldn't even look at each other. Virgil mentally rolled his eyes. Leave it to the twins to have a fight when they needed to trust each other more than ever.

Virgil could tell that Logan and Deceit had noticed as well. Instead if addressing it, however, they decided to engage in idle chatter.

"So, Deceit, when do you plan on revealing your name to us?" Logan asked. "It seems practical. As far as I know, Patton isn't aware of your name. If he wants any information on you and plans to eavesdrop, we could refer to you with your real name."

"My real name, huh?" Deceit mumbled bitterly, pushing his food around with his fork. He was silent for a moment.

Virgil was curious as to what Deceit's name was. The dark sides didn't even know. He glanced at Remus, and saw that he was listening intently to the conversation.

"My name..." Deceit mumbled, grimacing slightly. He sighed, taking off his glove. He held one hand in the air, glancing around apprehensively. "My name is Janus."


Janus. Virgil hadn't expected that. Logan simply nodded and continued eating.

A snort.

All eyes shot to Roman. "Janus? What are you? A middle school librarian?" Roman asked, snickering slightly.

Dece--Janus flushed and scowled, forcing his glove back on quickly.

"Wow, Roman." Remus mumbled, causing everyone to look at him. "If it weren't for the mustache, you wouldn't be able to tell which one of us was the evil one."

"I don't want to hear that from the likes of you." Roman sneered, glaring at his twin. "You have no right to tell me what is good or ba--"

"Oh, and why is that?" Remus asked, glaring right back at Roman. "Because I'm a 'stain on Thomas' subconscious'?" Remus asked, using air quotes.

"Exactly!" Roman yelled. "You're everything that is wrong with the mind palace! If you didn't exist, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

"Roman!" Janus snapped. "How dare you--?!"

"No, let him continue, 'anus." Remus waved the snake like side off. He crossed his arms, sneering. "I wanna listen to what he has to say."

"If you just learned to do what you're told, we wouldn't be here right now! If you just shut the fuck up and listened to what Patton told you all those years ago, we wouldn't be here right now!"

"So you wanted me to just suck it up like a good little boy? Smile politely like you've been doing all these years?" Remus growled. "Unlike you, I'm not a pushover."

"I am NOT a pushover!" Roman screamed, standing up.

"Really? Because when I told you that I wanted to impersonate you, you went along with it so easily!" Remus retorted, standing up as well.

"At least I'm not weak like you! I don't lash out with violence and crudeness when I'm too scared to face my emotions!"

"That is not me!"

"Are you sure?! It sounds a lot like you!"

"How then, should I deal with my emotions?! Enlighten me, oh wise one! Should I bottle it all in like a little bitch and wait for you to come save me?!"

"I didn't need you! You didn't save me! You made everything worse!"

"I made everything worse?! Bullshit! I felt it, Roman! I felt it getting better!"

"And when was that?! Before or after you got stabbed?!"

"STOP!" Logan screamed, causing everyone to jump. "You're both acting like children!"

"He started it." Roman grumbled.

"We need to work together right now. Patton is most likely planning his next move. Fighting each other like a couple of gorillas will not solve anything!" Janus barked.

"Actually, gorillas don't fight that ofte--"

"Logan, not the time."


"What is going on with the two of you?" Virgil chimed in. "You've been acting weird all morning!"

"Maybe if Roman wasn't acting like an asshole, things would be normal." Remus mumbled bitterly.

"Well, maybe if Remus wasn't such a waste of space we wouldn't be having this discussion!" Roman exclaimed.

"Wow, I see." Remus scoffed. "Go ahead, Roman. Show everyone who you really are!"

"I'm done talking about this." Roman stormed out.

"Oh no! Did I hurt your feelings?!" Remus barked sarcastically, plopping back down in his seat.

"Roman!" Logan said, standing up. He went after Roman, leaving the other three alone.

"Way to go, Remus." Virgil grumbled, glaring at the Duke.

"What?" Remus asked innocently. Virgil scoffed and continued eating his breakfast.

"Ree, what's going on?" Janus asked gently. Remus sighed, frowning.

"I wish I knew, I really do." Remus murmured. "I..." He sighed again, standing up. "I'm not hungry."

"You said you were 'dying to eat' not too long ago." Virgil pointed out.

"Maybe I was talking about dick." Remus said as he left the kitchen.

Virgil and Janus exchanged worried looks.

They slowly went back to eating, this time in heavy silence.

Virgil hoped Roman and Remus could make up before they inevitably confronted Patton. The pair was their ace in proving Patton's true nature to Thomas.

"So, Anxiety," Janus spoke up. "What are your thoughts on this?"

"Huh?" Virgil furrowed his brow.

"This whole ordeal, we haven't gotten to hear much of your opinion." Janus hummed. "Any thoughts?"

"I..." Virgil was dumbfounded. Janus was really going to just pretend that nothing happened?

He cleared his throat. "Well, Deceit, there isn't much to say." He took a bite of his food. "Sure, Patton's betrayal stings but...I'm recuperating."

"Is that so?" Janus tilted his head.

"What else do you want me to say?" Virgil scowled.

"What gave you the impression that I wanted to hear more?" Janus smirked as Virgil's eye twitched with irritation.

Virgil rolled his eyes. He never changed.


Writers block 🤩

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