Ch. 21

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TW: Homophobia, Suicide Attempt, Unsympathetic! Dark Sides (minus Janus)

This is long cuz I really wanted to fit this story into one chapter.

Also, Janus is referred to as Deceit in this chapter cuz this is pre SvS Redux, obvi. Well, I guess since that didn't happen in this book yet, this is pre Janus' Name Reveal.

"I have an idea." Cassius hummed, crossing his arms. Virgil and Remus instantly loomed over to him.

"And what would that be, 'Assius?" Remus tilted his head. Virgil rolled his eyes, but was listening nonetheless.

"The self-proclaimed 'light sides' are always going on about how evil and dark we are, why don't we prove them right?" Cassius asked innocently. "They're never going to change their views! Not as long as Morality is there, anyways."

"I'm liking the sound of this." Remus smirked.

"Do we really want them to hate us, though? I mean, shouldn't we try to get them on our side?" Virgil asked. "Sure, they're assholes, but they'd be very beneficial allies."

"Wake up and smell the cyanide, Anxiety!" Remus exclaimed. "They're never going to like us. We might as well stick it to 'em."

"Here's what I'm proposing," Cassius hummed. "And don't tell Deceit about this, he wouldn't approve at all."

"This should be good." Virgil mumbled sarcastically.

"Virgil, why don't you distract Prince Charming for me, I'll work my magic, and Remus and I can do a little tag team on Thomas?" Cassius chirped.

"Tag team?" Remus asked. "What do you mean by that?"

"I'll give you the details later." Cassius waved him off. "So, what do you boys say?"

"You know I'm always with you, Cass!" Remus chirped. "Virge? C'mon, pleaaaaase~?" Remus begged, pouting.

"Ugh, fine. Just stop making that face, you look stupid." Virgil scowled. Remus immediately brightened. Cassius giggled in amusement, causing Virgil to glare at him.


"Hey there, Princey." Virgil smirked, leaning against the wall. Roman jumped, whirling around.

"You! How dare you show your face to me again, villain!" Roman exclaimed, glaring at him. "Just wait till Morality finds out you're here!"

"Aww, you're gonna tattle on me? I'm so scared, I'm practically shaking." Virgil said. Roman glared at him. "Why don't you fight me yourself? What is it? You're too scared of the big, bad Anxiety?"


"Hold on!" Roman cut in, interrupting Logan, who was currently the one telling the story. "Why don't I remember this?"

"We'll get to that." Remus said, looking uncharacteristically nervous.


Roman scoffed. "Please! I could take you on any day of the week, Charlie Frown!" Roman declared, summoning his sword.

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