Ch. 23

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"So we're moving Patton to the Subconscious?" Virgil asked.

"Give him a taste of his own medicine, huh? I like it!" Remus grinned.

"I don't know if he would be cooperative." Janus sighed. "He knows what it's like there, he might try to resist or something."

"Luckily, we have a big, strong prince on our side." Virgil snorted and pointed at Roman, who struck a pose.

"If he tries to do anything, we'll have Roman to protect us." Logan told Janus softly. "You don't need to worry."

"I'm not worried." Janus scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Mhmm, I totally believe you, babe." Remy mumbled, idly using the straw of his drink to stir it.

Everyone jumped, not having realized he was there. "When did you...?" Roman mumbled.

Remy stared at him blankly, taking a sip from his iced coffee.

"Not gonna answer that question? Cool."

"What brings you here, Remy?" Logan asked, pushing up his glasses.

"There's a problem." Was all Remy said, before taking another sip.

" to elaborate?" Virgil crossed his arms.

"You should check out Patton's room." Remy hummed, glancing at all of them. "I did, and I did not like what happened next."

"Are you injured?" Roman asked.

"Will it make me horny?" Remus added, earning a slap over the head from his twin.

"Am I injured...?" Remy echoed, sighing. "Physically, no? Emotionally, it's hard to say. There's one thing I know for certain, though."

"And what's that?" Janus asked.

"The incident from freshman year was definitely not what Patton was talking about."


They all stood in a semicircle in front of Patton's door. Remus bit his lip anxiously, glancing at Virgil.

Virgil looked absolutely petrified. If Remus didn't know better, he'd think Virgil was shaking. Roman was looking his way, a mildly concerned expression on his face.

Virgil seemed to sense Roman's gaze, because he looked his way. Roman immediately gave Virgil a reassuring smile.

"So," Remus mumbled, looking over them all. "Who's going in first?"

"I'll do it." Roman volunteered immediately. Remus frowned, expecting as much.

"Roman, no." Logan snapped. "Based on what Patton said, we can conclude that you will be the most upset by whatever we're about to see. It would be unwise to have you enter first."

"I--" Roman pouted, crossing his arms.

"Then I shall go in place of Roman." Logan adjusted his tie. "It isn't a big deal."

"He's lying." Janus commented lazily.

"Remus should go first." Remy spoke up. Remus felt his eyes widen involuntarily.

Roman and Janus immediately glared at Remy.

"I positively refuse--!"

"Absolutely not--!"

"Hear me out! Hear me out." Remy rolled his eyes. "After seeing what I saw in there, the best course of action would be to have Remus go first."

"If Remy says so, then I see no reason to doubt him." Logan frowned. "I understand your reactions, though."

"Are you sure?" Janus asked. "I'll happily go instead."

"I don't need you babying me, Jan." Remus rolled his eyes. "Unless that's your kink, or something."

"You have stitches in your stomach!" Roman protested.

"And the grass is green, and the sky is blue! Thanks, Captain Obvious!" Remy chirped sarcastically.

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of humor." Janus hissed.

"Take a look at yourself, then get back to me." Remy rolled his eyes.

"Why you--!"

"C'mon, Jan-Jan! I'll be fine! If anything goes wrong, I'll give a loud moan, and you can come rescue me!" Remus giggled. "Happy?"

"Absolutely ecstatic." Janus scowled, crossing his arms.

"And Ro," Remus turned to his brother. "I know that you'll be here, ready to help me. That's why I feel no fear!"

"You never feel fear." Logan furrowed his brow.

"Not now." Virgil told him.


"Here, I know what will make you feel better!" Remus gasped. Roman's eyes widened.


"C'mon, you know you want it~!" Remus smirked.


"Too late!"

"Remus, don't you dare. It's absolutely mortifying when you--"

Remus snapped, and Roman was suddenly wearing a tight straitjacket. Remus squealed in delight, clapping his hands.

"--do that." Roman finished, looking like he wanted to die.

"There! So now it'll feel like I'm hugging you all the time!" Remus chirped.

"That's...oddly sweet for him." Virgil murmured.

"Wait for it." Remy told him.

"And get this, it doesn't come off until I want it to!" Remus exclaimed. "And there's a taser built in that I can activate whenever I want!"


"" Roman forced a smile.

"Alright then," Remus turned back to the door. "Let's go check it out!"

Remus opened the door, and walked inside.


Remus closed the door behind him, looking around in mild confusion.

Patton's room had completely changed. All the photos, books, movies, and CDs had vanished.

Remus was in a room full of bubbles.

Remus hated bubbles.

In closer inspection, the bubbles showed something inside. "Memories..." Remus mumbled, examining one in particular.

It was when Thomas was eight. He was drawing a picture of him electrocuting his brother.

Remus snorted. Fun times.

He continued walking through the room, wondering what Remy had seen in here.

Remus shivered. As he continued on, it seemed to be getting colder by the second.

Remus also noticed that the memories were changing from happy memories, to when Thomas was sad or scared.

"Shit." Remus hissed. He was freezing!

He hoped he found it soon.


This one is really sloppy. And before you go "WHAT NO IT'S REALLY GOOD" just know that I will accept it as a lie and it will immediately leave my memory.

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