Ch. 24

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Hey, it's been awhile.

I don't really have an excuse as to why this took so long. I just started focusing on The Snake In My Dreams more and this got pushed to the side.

I'll try not to do it again.

Oh, also Unsympathetic!Remus is gonna pop in and say hi.

Remus instantly knew when he had found it.

The rapidly dropping temperature in the room had gone below freezing by the time he had stopped.

A large bubble loomed in front of him. Remus thought that if he climbed on Roman's shoulders, he would just be able to reach the top.

Remus wasn't sure what to feel when he looked in the bubble.

It was him.

His face. His clothes. His weird little grey streak (that's always been there for some reason.)

And a scowl on his face.

Now, Remus rarely got angry. He's only been genuinely pissed off a handful of times. So seeing this expression on his face, one filled with rage just

"VIRGIL!" The Remus in the bubble screamed.


"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Remus roared, marching towards the dark clad side.

"What is it now, Ree?" Virgil grumbled, not looking up from his phone.


Virgil glanced at him.

Remus was red in the face, absolutely fuming. He was holding the famILY card that Patton had given him.

Virgil's eyes widened. He immediately put his nonchalant persona back on, scoffing. "I didn't realize I needed your permission to hang out with people."

"You know how I feel about them!" Remus shouted.

"You mean how you feel about Patton?" Virgil rolled his eyes. "He's actually a pretty nice guy, Remus."

"BULLSHIT!" Remus screamed.

"What do you have against him, anyways?! He kicked you out?! So what?! I would've done the same!"

Remus recoiled. " take that back."

"It's true! Patton told me all about how you were tainting Princey! I would've given you up too!"

"TAKE IT BACK!" Remus yelled, summoning his morning star. He rushed towards Virgil.


Remus watched the rest in horror. The rest of it was just Remus senselessly beating Virgil.

Remus had no recollection of this.

The bubble showed him why.


"REMUS!" Janus yelled, running into the room. "STOP! STOP IT!"

Janus yanked the weapon out of Remus' hands. "Hey!" Remus shouted.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Janus screamed. He kneeled down next to Virgil.

"Calm down, no injuries are permanent." Remus spat.

Janus stood up, giving Remus a blank look. "Come with me." He picked up Virgil, and began walking.

Remus swallowed, aware that he was really in trouble now.

At least he would get to see Cass again.

Wordlessly, they crossed over to the light side, and knocked on Patton's door.

Remus looked around, seeing no one else. That was a given, it was rather late.

Patton opened the door, his bright smile quickly fading when he saw them.



"I-I need you to erase Remus and Virgil's memories of the last hour." Janus asked quietly.

"What?!" Remus exclaimed, snapping his head over to Janus.

"What's in it for me?" Patton asked, leaning against the doorframe.

"Please, Patton." Janus begged, his voice shaking. "I don't wanna have to say goodbye to another one of them."

Patton contemplated it for a bit, before shrugging. "Fine." He smirked, leaning close to Janus' face. "But you owe me, Dee."

"Wait--Deceit!" Remus protested. He tried to walk away, but one of Janus' extra arms stopped him.

"I'm sorry, Remus." Janus whispered, throwing him into Patton's room.


Remus was baffled.

Of course, he found out about the card later. But by then, Virgil had already left the dark sides.

So, all Janus did was delay the inevitable.

Remus frowned. He could see why Remy thought it was important for him to go first.

He also knew, that Roman was going to be pissed with him.


Everyone released a breath when Remus came out of the room.

"Are you alright?" Roman asked.

Remus completely ignored him, and instead walked up to Virgil.

Before Virgil knew it, Remus had wrapped him in an embrace.

"Uh," Virgil mumbled, slowly hugging him back.

"Virgil goes next." Remy sighed.

"I'm so sorry." Remus mumbled into Virgil's shoulder.

Virgil paled, not sure he was going to like what was in there.

Virgil took a deep breath, then pulled away from Remus.

He walked up to the door, opened it, and walked inside.

"What was in there, Ree?" Roman asked him, placing a hand on Remus' shoulder.

Remus shook his head, sitting down on the floor.

Janus was looking at him nervously. Remus gave Janus a single nod, and he instantly knew what Remus had seen.

"Y-You have to understand!" Janus cried, gaining everyone's attention. "I had to! I didn't want you to end up like Cassius!"

"I get it, Janus. I get it." Remus sighed. "You don't need to explain yourself. I get it."

"I don't! What's going on here?" Roman spoke up, crossing his arms. Logan nodded in agreement, pushing up his glasses.

"You'll understand when you go in there." Remy grimaced.


Lowkey hate how this one turned out.

ALSO! Y'all DO know that I'm capable of liking my own writing, yes? When I say stuff like "this chapter was garbage" or "this one sucks", I'm comparing it to the other chapters.

As stand alone chapters, I think they're fine. Compared to the rest of the book, however? I just don't think they're good.

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