Ch. 3

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Deceit blinked his eyes open. He was lying on the floor, right in front of the door to Logan's room.

He looked at the blanket he was using, recognizing it as Virgil's hoodie. He furrowed his brow.

He sat up looked at his hands, noticing his lack of gloves.

He looked around, before spotting his gloves a little bit away from him.

And they were covered in blood.

It all came rushing back, and he felt dizzy all over again. He shook his head, not wanting to pass out.

"Oh, you're awake." He heard. Deceit looked up and saw Logan coming out of his room.

"Where's everyone else?" Deceit asked.

"Roman went to take a shower, and Virgil went to go take a nap." Logan recounted.

"You all just left me here?" Deceit asked.

"Well I went to go make your bed." Logan told him. Deceit frowned.

"What?" Deceit asked. "You went to the Dark Side of the Mind Palace just to make my bed?"

"No, I made a new bed in my room so you could sleep here tonight." Logan told him. "It's not safe to go all the way back, not with a knife wielding Patton running around."

"That's awfully nice of you, Logan." Deceit said, surprised.

"Um, Deceit?" Logan began, frowning nervously. "I would just like to apologize for how I behaved when you were looking for Remus. I know that forcing you back to the dark side is inexcusable but--"

"Logan, there's no hard feelings." Deceit told him, standing up. He wobbled slightly, and Logan instinctively reached out to steady him. Deceit waved him off, straightening himself. "What you did to help Remus today, it proves that you're not who I thought you were."

"You're not who I thought you were either." Logan gave him an awkward smile. "Thank you for not being that."

"Well, you're welcome I suppose?" Deceit shrugged. "Now I'm curious as to who you thought I was."

"Well, Patton always described you as a despicable side who only wanted to hurt Thomas and do anything to achieve that." Logan mumbled.

"Gee, thanks Patton." Deceit scoffed.

"Sorry," Logan coughed into his hand.

"If it makes you feel any better, I thought you were just Patton's lapdog." Deceit shrugged. Logan snorted.

"I basically was."

"And that is no one's fault except Patton's." Deceit told him. "How is Remus?"

"Resting," Logan told him. "Like you should be."

"I'm fine," Deceit told him, running a hand through his hair. He paused, noticing something. "Where's my hat?"

"Oh, I put it in my room. I hope you don't mind." Logan told him, opening the door to his room. Deceit walked in.

"No, I was just wondering." Deceit mumbled, looking around Logan's room.

He spotted Remus asleep on the operating table in the middle of the room and immediately went over to him.

For once, Remus' expression was peaceful. Deceit wasn't sure if he liked the change.

"I noticed a bit of a rip in the fabric," Logan mumbled, grabbing Deceit's hat and walking over to him. "I fixed it, I hope that doesn't bother you."

"How long have I been out?" Deceit asked, taking his hat back in suprise.

"Not that long," Logan shook his head. "If you're wondering about how I managed to fix it in such short time, it's really not that difficult."

"You'll have to show me how sometime, wouldn't want anymore rips to happen." Deceit murmured, examining the hat. "Very impressive, Logic. Thank you."

"It was no trouble at all." Logan dismissed.

Deceit noticed an extra bed in the room. "I assume this is mine?" He asked, pointing to it.

"Your assumption is correct." Logan mumbled, grabbing a book off a nearby shelf.

"You really didn't have to, Logan. I could've just stayed on the couch." Deceit told him.

"Nonsense," Logan shook his head, opening the book. "Get some sleep, Deceit. We'll discuss everything tomorrow."

"Thank you, Logan."

"You can thank me by getting some rest." Logan hummed, sitting down at his desk. "Sleep well."


"Hot Topic, wake up." Were the words Virgil awoke to.

He groaned, slowly opening his eyes. "Princey?" He mumbled.

"Hey, we're about to eat breakfast." Roman told him. "Turns out Deceit can cook, who would've thought? Though you probably already knew that since he raised you and I'm shutting up now."

"Give me a minute." Virgil grumbled, confused. He had set his alarm for thirty minutes, why would they have breakfast in the middle of the day?

Roman shot him a broad smile before sinking out.

Virgil grabbed his phone. It was half past 7, the next day. "Stupid alarm." He frowned.

He rolled out of bed rubbing his eyes tiredly. After quickly getting ready, he sunk out.

Virgil appeared at the kitchen door. He pushed it open, gaining everyone's attention. "Ah, Virgil, so glad you could join us." Deceit greeted him.

Virgil gave Deceit a nod. "Glad to see you're feeling better."

"Are you?" Deceit asked, not taking his eyes off the eggs he was making.

"Well, yeah. I mean you fainted and..." Virgil coughed awkwardly into his hand. "Uh, thanks for trying to protect me yesterday."

Deceit hummed in reply. Virgil shuffled anxiously for a second, before quickly sitting down in the chair next to Roman.

"That was painful to watch." Roman whispered to him.

"I don't know what to say to him." Virgil whispered back.

"Maybe, 'hey, sorry for insulting you to your face'?" Roman joked. Virgil shot him a withering glare.

"You're not helping."

"You need to lighten up." Roman shook his head.

"Look at who you're talking to." Virgil rolled his eyes.

Deceit finished the eggs and put them on the table, causing Virgil and Roman to halt their conversation.

"So, do you know anything useful about Patton?" Logan asked Deceit the second he sat down.

"Um, he doesn't like it when people raise their voice at him?" Deceit offered.

"Like, he gets scared?" Roman asked.

"No, not scared." Deceit mumbled. "Angry."

"In like a hot way?" Was heard from the kitchen door.

They all whipped their heads towards the sound so fast, Virgil was sure he had gotten whiplash.

"Oh my god, Remus!" Roman exclaimed, standing up.

"Yes," Remus smirked. "I am your god, Remus."


Your girl is trying to figure out how I want to progress from this point.

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