Ch. 7

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This is a bad idea.

This is a bad idea.

This is a bad idea.

Roman scowled, forcing his thoughts away. He couldn't doubt himself now, it was too late.

He was on the dark side of the commons, sneaking around as quietly as he could. He had found a bit of blood on the walls, so he knew now for a fact that Patton had gone that way.

He snorted. He had kinda sounded like Logan there.

He smiled sadly. Logan would have definitely talked him out of this. Alas, he had forced Logan to busy himself with Remus.


Roman pushed foward, strength renewed. He couldn't die here. He refused. Remus deserved an apology. He would make sure he would get one.

He followed the trail of blood, noticing how there was more around a certain spot. He figured Patton must have stopped here.

"He probably passed out," Roman mumbled. "It would be really embarrassing if I lost this fight." He snorted.

He frowned. The blood trail stopped there. Alright, he would need to wander for a bit.

The dark side wasn't too big, he was sure he would run into Patton eventually. He just had to make sure that he ran into Patton, and that Patton didn't run into him.

He held his sword out in front of him, eyes darting around cautiously. He occasionally snuck quick glances over his shoulder as he walked, making sure no one was sneaking up on him.

He came across this first door. A large, yellow snake was painted on the door. Roman didn't have to think that hard about who it belonged to. He quietly pushed the door open, wincing when it creaked.

He slowly went inside and closed the door behind him.

He held his breath, listening for someone else's breathing. When he heard nothing, he released it and began looking around the room.

He checked in the closet first. The closets could make a pretty good hiding spot, Roman knew that from experience. He opened it, and scanned the inside.

Two hands shot out and grabbed the sides of his head.

He cried out, before suddenly he was in a daze.

He couldn't feel anything. Nothing at all. He felt blank. Empty. Apathetic, even.

The hands left his head, but were soon replaced by another pair of hands.

Suddenly, he felt angry. Remus had tied him up. Remus had stolen his identity. Remus tried to steal Virgil from him. Remus almost killed him. Remus never visited him when they were separated. Did Remus even care?

He felt happy at the memory of Patton stabbing Remus. It served him right for trying to steal Roman's life.

God, Remus didn't deserve his love. Remus didn't deserve love at all. Remus is a sick freak who only cared about himself.

Roman hated him.

He blinked his eyes open, finding himself on the floor. He rubbed his head, sitting up. He looked around, seeing that he was in Deceit's room.

Why was he there again?


Remus waited patiently for Roman. He wasn't sure where the prince went, but he was sure Roman would come back. He needed to apologize.

He had blown up at Roman. He still couldn't believe he had compared his brother to Patton. What was he thinking? Roman was nothing like Patton. Roman was kind, and generous, and brave, and all the things Patton wasn't.

The door opened, and Remus jumped off of Roman's bed. "Roman!" He exclaimed, bounding up to his brother.

"What do you want?" Roman sneered, glaring at him. Remus winced. Guess he was still mad.

"I'm so sorry, Roman." Remus apologized as sincerely as he could. "I didn't mean it. Any of it. I was being stupid. I don't know how I could possibly make it up to you."

Roman laughed bitterly, shaking his head in disbelief. "You 'didn't mean it?' Are you serious? A simple apology isn't going to fix anything, Remus."

"I know, I'm sorry." Remus mumbled, looking down. "I love you, Roman. I don't know why--"

"You love me?!" Roman yelled, rage increasing. He stomped up to Remus, who reflexively walked back.

"Yes, I do." Remus replied, furrowing his brow. "You're my brother."

Remus backed into a wall, and Roman grabbed his collar. "I hate you."


"I hate you more than I've hated anyone in my life. You're a stain on Thomas' subconscious. You're disgusting." Roman snarled. "I wish we weren't brothers."

" don't mean that." Remus pursed his lips.

"I don't? Are you sure?" Roman asked. "Because the only thing I'm thinking right now is that I wish Patton had killed you."

"Ro, I--"

"That's 'Roman' to you. R-O-M-A-N." Roman grabbed Remus and shoved him towards the door. "Get out of my room. Sleep in the dumpster, you'll finally be where you belong."

Remus frowned, before reluctantly walking to the door. He reached for the doorknob, before hesitating. "I love you, Roman."

"Get out!" Roman screamed. "And take your stupid mace with you!" Roman picked it up.

"It's a morning--" Remus couldn't finish as Roman threw it at him. It hit him in the head, and he collapsed to the floor.

He blinked up at the ceiling in a daze. He grimaced, grabbing at his head. "Ow..."

He looked back up at Roman, who was still glaring at him in fury.

Remus stood up shakily, grabbed his morning star, and stumbled his way out of Roman's room.


Now we're getting somewhere.

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