Ch. 19

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Logan almost collapsed in relief when the twins rose up with a fuming Patton in their possession. Virgil let out a loud sigh and gave them all a scowl that had no malice behind it.

"Took you long enough." Virgil scoffed. Roman smiled softly.

"I missed you too, Stormcloud." He said. Virgil immediately sputtered in indignation, going red in the face.

Remus pursed his lips. "Logan, I--"

"I would prefer we don't talk about this right now." Logan snapped, crossing his arms. Remus flinched, but fell silent.

Roman shot Remus a questioning look, but only received a shake of the head as an answer.

"Hey there, Lo-Lo." Patton purred, causing Logan to freeze. "It's been awhile, huh?"

"I suppose it has." Logan replied as calmly as he could, refusing to look at Patton and instead keeping his gaze on the floor.

"Your neck didn't bruise too badly, did it?" Patton asked, expression feigning concern.

Remus and Virgil stepped in front of Logan, who didn't realize he was shaking. "I assume you know why you're here?" Virgil asked, crossing his arms.

"Because of what happened when Logan betrayed me, yes?" Patton sighed. "How's that scar looking, Remus?"

Roman immediately pressed a little harder on Patton's neck. Not enough to kill him, but enough to draw blood.

"You better watch your fucking mouth." Roman hissed. "The only reason you're still alive is because Janus and Logan said I couldn't kill you."

"Janus?" Patton asked, furrowing his brow. "Who's that?"

"I'm glad you brought him up, Roman." Logan said, clearing his throat. "Patton, as you know, Apathy has used his abilities on Janus."

"Janus...oh, you mean Deceit?" Patton gasped. "Janus...isn't that a girl's name?"

"Currently, the only one able to help him is you. You will fix Janus." Logan stated. Patton rolled his eyes.

"And what makes you think I'll do that?" Patton scoffed.

"We have forbidden Roman from killing you," Logan pushed up his glasses. "But if necessary, we have given him permission to use whatever methods he deems fit to make you obey our commands."

"It's amazing how many ways a sword can be used, don't you think?" Roman hummed. Patton gulped.

"I'm so proud..." Remus sniffled. Virgil slapped him in the arm, scowling.

"So, Patton, you have two options." Logan said. "You can either do what we tell you, or we let Roman have his fun."

"And you called me manipulative. " Patton growled. "Fine, I'll fix him. Happy?"

"Well, that was easy." Virgil mumbled. "A little too easy..."

"God, can you not be anxious for like one second?" Patton scowled. "I just don't see the point of trying to resist. Knowing Roman, he'll accidentally kill me if I tried to go against you."

"That is fair." Logan adjusted his tie. "That oaf would have killed us all already if he didn't know better."

"'That oaf' is standing right here, y'know." Roman grumbled.

"Take me to him." Patton commanded. 


Roman shoved Patton into the room. "Don't even think about messing with his memories, Patton. If something is wrong with him, I'll kill you where you stand." Roman spat.

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