Ch. 16

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Even though I am very much not an artist, I'm working on a Cassius character design to give to y'all. Mostly because I wanna make sure we're on the same page as to what he looks like.

Roman had never appreciated Thomas' acting classes more. When Logan told them that they would be switching places, he wasn't sure he would be able to pull it off.

Patton and Cassius currently had him strapped to some torture device that was in Remus' room. He was strong enough to break the leather straps, it was a perk of being bravery. He couldn't reveal himself yet, though. Not until Patton and him were alone.

The torture he had been subjected to...wasn't very pleasant. On his pain scale, it'd probably be about an 8 out of 10. And all the while, he had to pretend he was enjoying it, because Remus would no doubt love this sort of thing.

"Gnngh...!" Roman tensed as Patton electrocuted him yet again. He was getting real sick of this. "...w-wow, you really know how to t-turn a guy on, Papa P!"

"He's shaking." Cassius pointed out, not even looking up from his crossword puzzle.

"I-I've just never felt so deeply aroused before, it's e-enlightening!" Roman giggled, praying it didn't sound too forced. Patton didn't even blink, glaring daggers at Roman.

"Do you know how much trouble you've caused me, Remus?" Patton asked lowly. Roman forced a mischievous smile on his face, cocking his head slightly.


"I had a perfect life, a perfect family." Patton shook his head. "Sure, Roman may have been unhappy, but was that my fault? He's the one who couldn't handle the pressure."

Roman bit his tongue to stop himself from giving a fiery retort.

"I had everything I ever wanted." Patton smiled sweetly, walking up to Roman. "And then you came along with some righteous plan to save him!" Patton kicked Roman in the gut.

Roman stifled a yelp. "I-I sense some resentment~!"

Cassius suddenly whined loudly. "Patton! I finished it!" Patton groaned.

"Go get yourself another one then!" Patton barked, glaring at the orange side. Cassius, completely unfazed, shot Patton a bright smile and skipped out of the room.

Roman's eyes widened slightly. This was his chance!

Patton rolled his eyes, and turned back to Roman. "Apologize to me." Roman internally groaned. He needed Patton to turn around.

"Oh, Papa P, I'm soooooo sorry! Please, make my punishment extra bad!" Roman exclaimed, hating himself. Patton scowled.

"Like you mean it." Patton growled. "Be thankful I'm letting you speak, I am this close to cutting your tongue out." Roman gulped.

"But I do mean it!" Roman grinned. Patton rolled his eyes again.

"Sadly, I don't doubt that." Patton frowned, turning around to go back to the control station. Roman was about to break out, but Cassius walked in at that moment holding a jigsaw puzzle.

"Look Morality! It's Paw Patrol themed!" Cassius beamed, plopping down on the floor. Patton shot him an unimpressed look.

"And you called me a little kid?" Patton scoffed, reaching the control station and facing Roman again.

Roman's heart sank down to his stomach. He had missed his chance. He should've just broken out when Patton was still facing him.

"You've gone quiet." Patton noted, glancing at Remus.. "Have I finally tamed you?"

Roman forced a large grin on his face, even though he felt like he could burst into tears. "Oh, you wish~!" He giggled. Patton rolled his eyes, and flipped a switch.

The torture device gave Roman a hearty shock, and it took all of his willpower not to cry out. "How about now?" Patton asked, smirking slightly.

"The only thing you succeeded in doing is turning me on even more!" Roman exclaimed, wiggling his eyebrows. He wished his brother didn't act like this, it would make this much less embarrassing.

Cassius giggled. "I liked that one." He said, connecting two pieces of his puzzle. Patton scowled, walking over, grabbing the pieces out of Cassius' hands, and throwing them.

"Will you pay attention?!" Patton yelled.

"...m-my puzzle..." Cassius murmured, frowning.

"Now, Remus," Patton hummed turning back to Remus. "I'm going to check your memories to see if you have what I'm looking for."

Roman's eyes widened. "M-My memories? There's a lot of porn in there, and I'm sure you wouldn't wanna see that!" Roman laughed. "Looking at porn is a sin, after all!"

Patton paused at that, contemplating it. "Will Thomas see it too?"

"Yup," Cassius answered for Roman, looking around for his lost puzzle pieces. Patton cursed, crossing his arms.

"Fine, it'll have to wait until Thomas is asleep."

"Wet dreams, eh?" Remus smirked. Patton scowled.

"I'll just make him forget it in the morning, it'll be better that way." Patton sighed.

Roman hoped he wouldn't be here too long.


Virgil had been an anxious mess ever since the twins had gone to Patton. What if Roman was hurt? What if Roman was already dead?! What if Patton figured out they had switched? What if--

"Yoohoo! Panic!At The Everywhere?" Remus waved a hand in front of his face. Virgil jumped, and Remus smirked. "Welcome back to the world of the living."

"This is a bad idea." Virgil mumbled. "Roman should be back by now--"

"It's only been 30 minutes, chill." Remus snorted. "We have to trust my brother."

"And I do! But what if--"

"Listen, I know you're the literal embodiment of anxiety, but I doubt Roman would want you fretting over him like this." Remus sighed. "And I'll be able to tell if something serious is going on. Empathy link, remember?"

Virgil released a breath. "Right...sorry."

Remus giggled. "You never change, emo."


This took forever and I don't even know why 🤩

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