Chapter 1

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(So Peter is Spiderman in this story and Aunt May had become abusive after Uncle Ben died -sry aunt may- Peter hasn't met Tony or any of the avengers yet but the Vulture was still a thing so there ya go)

"I'll be okay, right? I'm going to be okay. Only a couple more years until I can leave right? I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay," Peter repeated over and over and over in his head as he swung through Queens in a familiar red and blue suit.

May had given him an over-excessive beating only a couple of hours earlier. His ribs hurt and he figured at least one of them fractured considering it hurt like a butt cheek on a stick when he breathed. He had also gained bruises that were beginning to form all around his torso and even a couple on his left cheekbone and on his right jawline. He had yet to notice a couple of other injuries like the cut across his lower shoulder and a bruise on his forearm where he had tried blocking one of May's blows with his hand.

He didn't know what had set May off, he just walked into his apartment after coming off the metro from school to find his aunt sprawled across the couch with a couple of beer bottles laying on the end and bottom of the couch. He tried walking in as quietly as possible until the door decided it wanted to fuck up his life and let out a noise that could only be described as a sick cat wailing for food.

May had woken up and all he could think to do was bolt to his room but his brain wasn't obeying and he just stood there in the doorway looking like he had just been caught stealing something.

His abusive aunt got up from the couch and made her way to the small kitchen. Peter was still frozen on the spot.

"She's going to hit me. She's going to hit me,"

Peter managed to un-glue himself from the doorway and pad along to the hallways where he would be able to safely reach his room.

He kept his head down to not set May off but kept track of where she was by looking at her shoes.

She was just standing there watching him from the kitchen.

He began to speed up when he heard a crash and something hot slide across his arm.

She had thrown a beer bottle at him.

He looked up startled and made the mistake of looking her in the eye.

She crossed the room with lightning speed throwing Peter down on the cheap tile floors and began beating him. She kicked him over and over in his abdomen to the point where Peter had curled himself into a ball on the floor. She smashed another empty beer bottle on the ground and barked a couple of orders at Peter to " Clean this mess up before I leave you on the streets where you belong," and retreated to her room.

Peter had picked himself up and cleaned the mess his guardian had made.

When he had finished he looked at himself in the mirror, sighed, and left for patrol out the window.

His Spider-Suit consisted of blue sweatpants, a blue sweatshirt, and a red hoodie with cut sleeves and a spider emblem on the chest.

It wasn't fancy or anything but he worked with what he had.

About an hour into his patrol Peter knew he wasn't doing too well when he tried stopping a mugger and ended up getting stabbed in the leg when his Spidey-Sense failed him.

" I guess it doesn't work as well when you're running on one meal a day with a super-fast metabolism," he thought while climbing up a building without the help of a second leg. Which is a lot harder than it seems.

Peter collapsed on the roof of the building and laid there for a couple of minutes looking at the grey sky.

He closed his eyes only for a second when he heard something shoot at him. He turned his head and saw an arrow only a couple of inches from his face.

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