Chapter 16

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-+*+- Tony -+*+-

Tony snapped his eyes open and bolted upright in bed. He had another nightmare. This time about Peter. He shook his head trying to get rid of the thoughts racing in his mind when his head pounded ferociously. He groaned in pain and pressed the heels of his hands into his closed eyes.

He grimaced and slowly peeled the covers from off him. They were damp with sweat and he resolved to get someone to change them sometime today.

He barked an order at FRIDAY to dim the lights in an attempt to tame his wild headache as he stumbled to the bathroom. His hands fumbled for the faucet handle and he turned it on. He splashed water on his face and his hands groped the bathroom counter once more for a towel. When he found it, he dried his face off and proceeded to brush his teeth in the dark.

Tony's head was still pounding and each pulse made him wince. He was about to call for someone to bring him something when he remembered that the team was out on a mission.


The only reason Tony hadn't gone was because he didn't want something else to happen to Peter if he left. God knows what trouble that kid would get into again. He groaned as he read the alarm on his nightstand. 10:00. Peter should be up by now.

He rubbed his eyes and opened his bedroom door to check on the kid. He crossed the penthouse and knocked on Peter's door. No one answered. He opened the door slowly and his eyes widened as he realized that no one was in the bed.

"Pet-" His voice was cut off as he began coughing violently. His throat felt like it was on fire as his body struggled to get rid of excess phlegm. He cleared his throat and tried calling out again. "Peter?"

Tony heard a muffled voice calling him and he walked to the bathroom door. He knocked and that's when he heard it. Splashing in the toilet and gagging.


He sighed and knocked again. "Peter are you alright?"

This time a voice answered. "Yeah Mr. Stark I'm alright!" Tony heard another splash in the toilet.

"Kid, you're sick."

"NO! Nope I'm no-" another splash "Not sick."

Tony sighed and sunk to the floor. His whole body ached and he just wanted to go to sleep. "Yeah, how long have you been feeling sick Kiddo?"

He heard a small voice from the other side of the door. "Since yesterday."

Tony sighed and rested his head on the wall. He didn't hear any more splashing or gagging so he asked, "You all done Pete?"

"Yeah," said a small voice from behind him.

He heard the toilet flush and the door slowly open. He had his eyes closed and he couldn't be bothered to open them right now. "Alright, go wash up or something," he said, waving a hand in the direction of one of the sinks.

"You don't look so good Mr. Stark," Peter pointed out.

"Oh really?" Tony opened an eye to look at Peter. "You don't look so good yourself Mr. Vomit."

Peter gave a weak smile and splashed his face with water before brushing his teeth.

Tony sighed again and slowly got up from his spot on the floor in an attempt to make his way to the Penthouse living room. He didn't feel like going downstairs. Or moving at all.

"I'm going to the living room," Tony informed, "You can come too but bring a trashcan or something. I don't feel like cleaning vomit off the floor."

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