Chapter 24

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Prepare yourself for the feels. 

Editing credit to HIGHGIRLS6111 whom I love very much and is an actual saint so give them some love pls!


-+*+- Tony -+*+-

"Hey! I got another giant over here!" Nat shouted over the comms.

They were fighting about three dozen Asgardian creatures. A mix between Frost Giants, Mares, and rogue criminals. The frost giants had their priority considering they could do the most damage to the city and could endanger the most citizens.

"On it!" Clint responded.

"Hey, I need some help with this guy!" Sam called.

"WE'RE BUSY!" Bucky shouted back.

"Shut up Bucky. I'm on my way Sam," Cap responded.

Tony couldn't help but laugh at the interaction between the three.

The billionaire smiled as he blasted another Mare. Those things were nasty when you could see them. They were black shadows with horns spiking from their shoulders and some silver liquid dripping from their fangs and mouth. To think one of those things was on his kid only a few nights before.

Something launched itself on Tony and he whipped around in an attempt to throw it off. He succeeded and it landed on the roof of one of the local banks. It was another Mare. It looked down at the bank and let out an ear-splitting screech.

Tony barked an order at FRIDAY to block out all noise except the comms. The AI obeyed and he turned to try and locate the team that didn't have a handy AI to block out noise. Most of them were scattered across the four blocks and were holding their heads in their hands.

The billionaire looked around and saw the creatures barreling towards him.

"Well, this is not ideal."

Tony blasted as many as he could before realizing that they weren't coming towards him. They were heading towards the bank. Tony spun around, letting the others regain their composure, and put himself in between the bank and the different off-world creatures.

He blasted as many as he could but a few slipped through.

"Need some help Tones?" He heard Steve mock over the comms.

"Haha-" Tony shot another giant "-Very funny Spangles. Why don't you get your ass over here."

"On our way, Your Highness," Rhodey teased.

Tony rolled his eyes and let the others help him with the load before his brain kicked in.

Why would these things want money from a bank? Half of them are just animals and the others don't need Earth money.

Tony kicked down a few more. Protecting the people in the bank from the onslaught.

They're being controlled, or ordered, but who would have this much power over these things?

"Sir, one of Loki Friggason's trackers has left the building," FRIDAY alerted.

Great. This is perfect. Just what he needed. Another Frost Giant running around New York.

"Well, where is he?" Tony snapped.

"He seems to have teleported to Peter's high school," FRIDAY responded.

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