Chapter 28

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-+*+- Peter -+*+-

Peter woke up the next day oddly refreshed. He hadn't gotten a good nights sleep in a week and he really needed it. He rubbed his eyes and walked sluggishly to the bathroom where he washed his face and got ready for the day. Not that he had anything planned.

It was the weekend and Peter figured he would spend the days hanging out with Tony in the lab and watching movies with the others. Next week was something he wasn't looking forward to and he wanted to spend as much time relaxing as he could. Of course, the universe had different plans.

As soon as Peter walked down the stairs and into the common room, Steve was waiting for him. He was dressed in his suit and had his shield already strapped to his back. Oh great...

"Get suited up Pete, we got a mission," Steve said, tightening the straps around him.

Peter sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Okay, gimme a sec..."

Peter ran upstairs and got suited quickly before running back down to meet Steve. He was fully awake now and even did a quick flip as he bolted down the stairs. It had been a while since he had a mission that he was allowed to go on.

"So what is it? Hydra? Aliens? If it's aliens and they plant eggs in my chest I am so sorry in advance if eat you," Peter said, putting a hand on his chest to emphasize his point, "By the way do we have any leads on the whole Asgardian creatures on the loose? It's almost as if the author forgot about it for a while. Though, she has been pretty stressed lately. I hope she feels better."

Steve blinked several times and shook his head as they jogged to the landing platform. "What are you talking about Kid?"

"Nothing! Nevermind!"

Peter climbed up the ramp to the quinjet and sat down on one of the seats. He strapped himself in next to Tony who ruffled his hair when he appeared.

"I still don't even know what the mission is," Peter said as Steve checked in with Clint who was piloting.

Tony smirked and strapped himself in, his signature sunglasses glinting in the morning light. "Capsicle will explain as soon as he's done talking to Legolas."

Peter stifled a laugh at Tony's nicknames and looked across the jet. Natasha was sitting with Bucky and had an open seat next to her while Rhodey was on the other side of Tony. Next to Rhodey was Thor and... Loki...

Peter grimaced and looked up at Tony for a distraction. "So we're not taking Bruce?"

"Yeah, no. It's not really a code green mission. Cause if it was a code green there would be no way in hell I'd be taking you," Tony said, giving Peter a look.

"Hey, Woah! That's not fair!" Peter said, knowing that Tony was teasing but also not really liking the idea of being left behind, "According to Mr. Fury I'm an official Avenger so I don't think you really have a say so."

Tony lowered his sunglasses and looked at Peter with an eyebrow raised. "Oh really?"

Peter just smiled and nodded.

"Whatever you say kid," Tony said, rolling his eyes and putting his glasses back on, "It's not like I'm an adult or anything and therefore automatically have more say so than you."

"Alright listen up!" Steve announced, getting everyone's attention, "Over the past few weeks we've seen a bunch of different off-world creatures taking over New York little by little."

The jet rumbled and took off. Peter subconsciously gripped tighter to the seat. He wasn't too fond of airplanes or anything that flew that he couldn't control.

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