Chapter 3

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Anyways here's chapter 3 of this book, it's a lot longer than the last two like I promised.



Peter approached the massive glass door that was deemed the entrance of Stark Tower. His hands were shaking so he put them in his jean pockets. He rolled his shoulders and stepped into the building.

He was immediately stopped by a guard. He had a big build, short curly hair, and a frown that would put grumpy cat to shame.

"What are you doing here kid?" The guard questioned, putting a hand in front of Peter to stop him from entering.

"Oh! I'm Peter Parker sir, I'm here f-for an internship."

"Peter Parker? Oh you're Tony's intern," the guard explained to himself.

"Who-who's intern?" Peter asked.

"Tony's, ya' know, Tony Stark."

Peter's face paled, "I'm interning for Tony Stark?"

"Oh you didn't know? Shit well my bad, they were probably going to tell you at the front desk but," He finished his sentence by shrugging as if that was going to explain how the hell he ended up being TONY STARK'S INTErn.

"Well I can take you in and get you settled if you want," the guard offered, "I'm Happy, no that's not my real name, just a nickname."

Peter nodded still in shock and walked in with Happy.

The not very happy guard handed him an access badge and explained that it only allowed him into the labs and commons area to the upper floors.

Peter let Happy walk him around and show him multiple places in the building before stopping in front of an elevator.

"Well kid, I got work to do so go ahead and head up to the labs, Tony's probably waiting for you."

Before Peter could protest, Happy was already halfway down the long corridor.

Peter took a breath trying to calm his racing heart and stepped into the open elevator. He looked around for a key scanner or floor buttons but the walls to the elevator were bare.

Panic began rising and creeping its way up his chest when a disembodied voice spoke through a speaker installed in the ceiling.

"Peter Parker, Processing credentials...... Accepted."

Peter looked up at the speaker before it hit him. This was Mr. Stark's AI. He had made a huge presentation about it. What was its name? FRIDAY?

"Welcome Peter Parker, I have informed Boss of your arrival. Would you like me to take you to the laboratory?"

"Um, Yes?"

Peter felt the elevator move upwards and began to relax.

"Peter, it seems as though you are suffering from mild-severe starvation. Would you like me to inform someone of your condition?"

"Oh shit," Peter panicked, "Um, no thank you Ms. FRIDAY I'm okay, I'll eat when I get home I promise."

The AI didn't say anything after that so he assumed she had taken his answer and not contacted anybody. The last thing he needed was his boss thinking he couldn't take care of himself.

When the elevator stopped and the doors opened, Peter stepped out and with direction provided by FRIDAY, he ended up at Tony Stark's lab.

And that's when it hit him.

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