Chapter 18

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-+*+- Peter -+*+-

Peter hated the cold. There was nothing else to it. He despised it. So when monsters that were literally called 'Frost Giants' came around. He wanted everything and nothing to do with them. Sure, the last time he got too cold he caught the flu but that was two weeks ago and he could handle one of these monsters right?

The team even asked him for help and it was his first mission since, ever! So he accepted.


Peter ducked under a flying car that went zooming past him. "Wow, that wasn't very nice Mr. Frosty."

Peter heard Tony chuckle over the comms as he tried wrapping another giant in webs. Why the hell they were here? He didn't know. Why the hell Thor wasn't here? He didn't know either.

"Karen," Peter called, "Do these guys have any weaknesses?"


Peter smiled proudly at his AI and continued his battle. His Spider-sense screamed at him to move so he obeyed, seeing a jet of ice fly past him.

"They seem to have a weakness to heat. There aren't any other known weaknesses in my database."

"Woah, that's really cool," Peter said, marveling at the ice. "And thanks, Karen!"

He made a mental note to steer clear from those...whatever they were. Peter launched himself towards the human-like creature and swung around him carrying a web with him. He moved back with lightning speed and tugged on his side of the web.

The giant toppled down and Peter winced as the creature hit its face on the pavement.

"Uh, Mr. Stark?" Peter called through the comms. "What do I do when I get one?"

"Tie him up!" Tony said, "Especially the hands!"

Peter did as he was told to, tying the giant's hands and legs with an extra web covering his mouth. Peter looked down his street realizing that the others moved their fights to different areas.

Grumbling about being alone, he scaled the side of an apartment building to get a view of the rest of the neighborhood.

Peter's eyes raked the rows of buildings until he saw Clint firing arrows at one of the monsters while Tony blasted it. On the other side, there was Steve, Natasha, and Vision working on the other one.

The giants they were fighting were at least two times the size of the one Peter took down. Wait.

They gave me the smallest one on purpose! Frickin Tony Stank and his frickin over-protective-

Peter swung himself to Tony's giant. He stuck a web to the giant's chest and began swinging around him, getting lower and lower until he reached its legs.

"Peter, what the hell are you doing here?" Tony yelled, sending another blast to the giant's shoulder.

"I'm helping Mr.-" Peter was launched backward as the giant back-handed him "Stark!"

"Peter you okay?!" He heard Clint, Natasha, Steve, and Tony say at the same time.

Peter crashed into the side of a brick building and yep, that was going to hurt tomorrow.

"Yep, Yeah, Just peachy deeky."

Peter shook the dust off him and launched himself to the giant once more. He began wrapping the webs around him once more figuring that if it worked on the other giant it would work on this one. He was wrong.

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