Why Tony Doesn't Take Clint To Restaurants

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Good Morning, Evening, Night to all you lovely readers. 'Tis I Deadpool! Author-chan has been gone on a bit of a hiatus recently as you've all noticed, and I'm here to tell you that it's still happening. She's not feeling well and can't write like she used to as of the moment. She hopes you all understand and still love the book. She's also here to explain how and when her hiatus will end and what she'll be doing in the meantime. 

So here's the gist. Author-chan will be blessing us with smaller background chapters about anything you want. She noticed a lot of people were curious as to why Tony doesn't let Clint go to restaurants anymore so she thought she'd write a short story for it. This will be happening once a week until sometime mid-september where she'll be a-okay and back on track. 

SWIZZY also asks that her editors be patient with her. She won't be giving them any work until September except for the occasional chapter from her other books and books she is working on. 


Hush now Author-chan! She once again hopes you understand and thanks you for your patience. She's also sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger last chapter. <3


The Avengers had a tradition so to speak. Long before Peter Parker ever crashed unexpectedly into their lives, they always did a little ritual after each mission. When everyone was exhausted, sweaty, out of breath, and extremely crabby, they'd all go out to eat at some poor unexpecting restaurant. This is the story of why Tony no longer takes Clint to restaurants.

"Who's turn is it to pick where we go?" Natasha asked, her hand over her eyes as to shield them from the light. The Avengers were gathered in the common room floor, all either laying on the couches or on the floor, exhausted from their most previous mission.

Tony, not lifting his face from the pillow it was currently smashed in mumbled something. "Clint's."

"Wait seriously?" Barton asked, getting up from his position on the floor, "Wait isn't it Bruce's turn?"

"No, I didn't go this time so I don't get to pick," Bruce said from the kitchen. It was true that the mission they were on wasn't a code green and Bruce was oddly salty that he couldn't get to pick the location where they'd eat. Even though no one would like his vegan choice, at least he got to eat where he liked.

"Well, this requires some serious thought," Clint said, standing up and pacing the length of the room, his hand grabbing and stroking his chin as if he were some old wizard with a beard, "You can't rush these decisions you know? It has to be something practical and classy. Something with a little pizzaz- OH MY GOD we should go to Olive Garden!!"

"Olive Garden?" Tony asked, "Seriously? You can choose any place in the country and you choose Olive Garden?"

"What do have against Olive Garden Tones?" Steve smirked. "Is it not fancy or expensive enough for you?"

"Wha- no! It's just weird in general. It's too fancy and too cheap at the same time."

Clint clapped his hands together and announced, "We're going to Olive Garden so get the fricking car ready Tony Stank!"

Grumbling was heard from the couch as Tony got up and headed towards the garage, the rest of the team following behind as Clint jumped up and down like a puppy.

The mood shifted as they were all stuffed into a limo that Happy was driving. Why a limo you ask? Because Tony's extra and there was no other car that could fit the entire team besides a few people that weren't up for Clint's antics. Everyone became excited and energized as they pulled into the parking lot, the promise of food lifting their starved spirits.

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