50k Special

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Hello, tis I Swizzy! Deadpool is sleeping for the moment. Anyways, I'd like to take a moment and dedicate a chapter to all you wonderful readers. Words cannot describe how thankful I am for all of you. Each of you has ventured from the first chapter to the last. From the worst of my writing to my best, from my troubled chapters to the fluffiest. For this, I thank you immensely. 

So, to celebrate this incredible milestone and occasion I will be announcing two things. 

The first; I will be opening up my messages on Wattpad for the duration of an entire week. You are welcomed and wanted to to message me about anything! I'll answer questions, goof around with you crazy people, and plot murders. If you don't know what to say, since I've been told talking to me is quite intimidating though I don't know why ;-; Just say hello and we can go from there! I'm quite friendly and about as much of a crack head as most of you! Feel free to also ask me about little theories you have about Mia and The Blue Death along with the attacks on New York, I'll attempt to help you without spoiling anything of course. 

A warning before I open my messages; Polite criticism of my story is welcome and encouraged but hate comments like I've seen before (And deleted) are not welcome. You will be blocked and I will move on, talking to all the other wonderful people reading my story. So there's that. 

Second; The plan for returning normal chapters in September is still ongoing. I know this is painstaking for you all since I left off on a bit of a cliffhanger and the anniversary of Peter's biggest trauma is literally next week in the story. There will be fluff and there will be angst. 

On that note, I will be needing more prompts for these little short stories. I noticed many comments asking why Tony doesn't take Clint to restaurants anymore so I thought it would be fun to write. Here are the ones I'm thinking of for the moment but I need you readers to give me more prompts!! I swear upon the River of Styxx that I will complete them. (As long as they're not outrageous) 

The only prompt i have so far is a story as to what happened to Clint when he hit Natasha in the face with mashed potatoes during a food fight. 

I need more. Don't be shy, just comment something you're curious about. 

Anyways, thank you for reading and thank you for the incredible milestone. Don't forget to message me and comment a prompt!!!


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