Chapter 14

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-+*+- Peter -+*+-

Peter wasn't allowed to leave the confining medical room until Bruce was sure that he was alright. Naturally, that meant questions. Peter hated questions.

"Why were-" Bruce adjusted his glasses, "-What happened Pete?"

Peter's medication had worn off and his healing had already started to kick in so he was fully aware now.

He sighed and began explaining the events of the day that lead to the beating he received in the school parking lot. He told them about how he was talking to his best friend via a piece of paper and how the teacher got a hold of said paper. His head hung low when he explained how the teacher read the note in class and how someone, he didn't say who, didn't believe him.

"So he's the one who had all those people hurt you?" Bucky questioned from his corner in the room.

Peter nodded.

"What's his name?" Bruce asked with sudden controlled anger. Peter was afraid that he'd go green so he curled in on himself.

The scientist must have realized how it seemed so he repeated the question with a calmer manner. "What's his name?"

Peter shook his head and told them he didn't want anything to happen to his bully. It would just cause more problems and other people would get hurt.

"We can't just let him get away with this!" Bucky exclaimed.

"I can take care of my own problems," Peter fired back with sudden courage, "You guys aren't my parents, I can take care of myself."

"We know you can take care of yourself, Peter," Bruce said, "But we're just trying to protect you. Everyone here in the tower cares about you."

Peter's expression softened but a voice in the back of his head whispered malice into his mind.

"They don't care about you," the voice said, "They only want Spider-Man. Why do you think Fury hasn't marched in and taken your identity yet? They're biding their time. They want nothing to do with Peter Parker."

That wasn't true was it? Tony said that SHIELD could protect his friends. He said that nothing bad was going to happen to him. Natasha promised.

"They only want you for Spider-Man." the voice taunted.

"Peter," Bruce called, "Do you want to go to your room?"

Peter shook his head as asked. "Can we play a game or something?"

He didn't want to be alone right now. The silence of his room would suffocate him. His intrusive thoughts would invade his mind and take over his body. Thoughts of the Vulture, thoughts of his 'family', thoughts of Him. No. He didn't need that right now. He didn't want it. He wanted a distraction.

Bruce and Bucky agreed to play a game with him. They decided on Uno and lord was that a bad idea. By the time they ended the first round Bucky had his arms crossed and glared at Bruce with betrayal, Bruce was focusing on keeping his emotions in check, while the winner, Peter, laughed on the floor.

They played a few more rounds where Bucky won both and decided that they should probably stop. Bruce told Peter that he should probably eat something and get some sleep so that his injuries could heal.

Peter wasn't going to say no so he obliged and ate a quick meal before going to bed.

"Goodnight guys," he called.

"Night Kid," Bucky responded.

"Goodnight Peter," Bruce called softly.

Peter walked into his room and gently closed the door. It was around 10:00 at night and Peter didn't want to sleep. He didn't want to dream. He was terrified of the dreams that would inevitably come. Whether it was about the Vulture or Him, Peter was unsure.

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