Chapter 31

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-+*^*+- Peter -+*^*+-

Peter folded up the drawing and placed it in his pocket, continuing his trek to second period, greeting people as he walked by and asking how they've been. The Peter Parker Charm. How could he be surrounded by so many people but feel so alone?

"Hey Peter!" someone shouted right before colliding into him. It was Ned.

"Ned! Hey! What's up?"

"Nothing really~ Well my mom got a hamster during the weekend and literally it's been squeaking on it's wheel like all night," he replied.

"Well, I mean, at least you got a pet?" Peter said, though it came out more as a question.

Ned looked at him with a grimace before turning to open the door to second period. AP US History. Stepping into the class he spotted Mia sitting by herself near the front of the class. Giving an apologetic smile to Ned, he bolted to that side of the room and sat down next to her, leaving Ned to grab a seat behind them.

"Hey! Mia right? We met at the coffee shop?"

She turned to look at him curiously, her dark lashes making her eyes stand out against her tan skin. "Oh! Peter yeah? How are you?"

"I'm- uh... I'm great! How are you?"

The teacher called for the class's attention and Peter couldn't help but feel bitter that he didn't get more of a chance to talk to her. The teacher began explaining the assignment. A major grade that would count a lot toward their overall average. They were supposed to work in partners and as soon as Peter heard this he turned to ask Mia.

"Hey Mia- you wanna partner up?"

"Yeah sounds good to me!"

Peter's face felt hot and he wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans. From behind him he heard a whisper. "Dude," Ned called, gaining Peter's attention. "We were supposed to be partners, remember?"

"Oh- but Mia's new and all and I want to get to know her... I doubt MJ is going to be working with a partner so you can just work together. We're just in different periods." Ned didn't seem impressed with Peter's solution so he added in something that would be irresistible to him. "Alright look, if you partner up with MJ then all four of us can work at the tower."

Ned's face lit up with both surprise and glee. "Are you serious?! We get to go to the tower?!!!"

"Shhh shhh," Peter said, putting a finger up to his lips. "Yeah sure."

Leaving Ned to panic by himself, he turned back to Mia.

"Hey so, I was thinking we could meet up at my place and work more on this with two of my other friends since they'll be partnering up too?"

Mia smiled lightly and responded, "You mean at Stark Tower? Yeah you and your friend aren't very quiet."
Peter's face turned scarlet and he found himself fidgeting with his jacket. "Oh yeah- I mean you don't have to go if you don't want to, we can just hang out in the common room."

"Is Mr. Stark going to be there?" She asked, twirling a pencil between her fingers.

"Oh, yeah I guess, if you wanna meet him I can ask him to come down?"

"You can ask The Tony Stark to drop his work and come down to meet three teenagers? What kind of job do you have? I know you told me that you worked there but you're allowed to do that?"

Peter faltered for a second. "Well yeah... um I'm just an intern really? Well a personal intern I guess? I don't know but um yeah."

Mia raised an eyebrow, looking curiously at Peter. When did I tell her I worked there? He thought.

His questions were interrupted by the bell and the clatter of students racing to get out of their seats and to the next class. "Um... I guess if it's okay with you and your parents or whatever I can pick you up from school. I'll probably be doing the same with my friends anyways."

Mia picked up her bag from her chair and swung it over her shoulder. "Um, I'd have to check with my brother but I'm sure he won't mind as long as we're going to Stark Tower. You're not gonna like- kidnap me right?"

"What? Oh, no of course not! I'd never do anything like that- MJ'll be there and uh-"

"I'm joking," Mia teased, covering her mouth to try and muffle her laughter, Peter following in suit and bursting out laughing. "I'll see you after school then?" she asked.

Peter just nodded, a smile still lingering on his face as he packed up his things and walked out the door.

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