Chapter 19

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-+*+- Natasha -+*+-

Loki grinned. He fucking grinned when Natasha told him to fight her. She hid her rage and aggression behind a steely face.

"Wait- Auntie Nat I don't think this is-" Peter stumbled and tripped over his words.

Natasha shot Peter a look that she immediately regretted. She wanted revenge and she was going to get it by any means. If it meant 'sparing' the god himself, she'd do it.

They took their places on the mat, circling each other for a while until Natasha made the first move. She yelled and launched herself at the god.

Loki side-stepped with his hands held behind his back and sent her flying with a bit of magic. Peter yelled and Natasha got up from the floor brushing herself off.

"No. Magic," She snarled.

"Alright then, my apologies Miss."

Loki smiled and Natasha launched herself at him again. He tried ducking and sweeping her legs out from under her. She predicted this and jumped over his leg, kicking him in the abdomen.

Loki's lips curled into a snarl and he jumped up again. This time, he charged, and Natasha jumped over him, kicking him in the back.

He stumbled forward for a few steps before regaining his balance. He turned and charged again like a bull. His once calm manner abandoned for a raging one. This is what Natasha wanted to happen.

She wanted Peter to see the worst of this 'god'. She wanted Peter far far away from this thing.

She slid between Loki's legs and jumped up. Loki spun faster than she expected him to and he landed a punch to her side. She groaned and jumped on him. She held his neck between the crook of her elbow and whispered in his ear.


She felt a growl through the vibrations in her arm. "I yield."

She let go of the god and shoved him forward. Loki fell on the floor clutching his side. She didn't kick him in the side...

"Mr. Loki are you okay?!" Peter asked, running towards the god.

"I'm fine," Loki snapped.

Natasha stood there, hands on her hips. She was glad she could finally show Peter Loki's true colors.

"Why would you do that Ms. Nat?" Peter asked, turning to face Natasha.

The super-spy did a double-take. What was Peter talking about? Loki just snapped at him and he was chastising her?

"What?" She asked.

"He's hurt. Why would you ask him to fight you? You knew it would only make him mad!" The tone in his voice killed her.

She decided she would do whatever it took to never hear that voice come from him again.

"I-I'm sorry."

"Tell it to him," Peter said, gesturing to Loki.

Natasha froze. She was not going to apologize to that thing. That horrible thing that manipulated her and brought up too many memories. Sure, it worked out in her favor but the memories stayed and the nightmares came in the night.

"I'm not apologizing," she stated.

"Fine," Peter snapped. Helping Loki up from the floor.

Jealousy ran cold through her veins and she clenched her fists. Was this Loki's plan? To turn Peter against them and eventually destroy the Avengers from the inside? Wait. She was being too biased.

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