Chapter 25

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-+*+- Tony -+*+-

Tony didn't know what to do. Who was he kidding? He didn't know how to be a parent. Everything was crashing into him like a tidal wave and he didn't know what to do. The conversation he had with Peter opened his eyes to something that he didn't want to see.

Peter needed a parental figure in his life and Tony couldn't fill that spot. He was reckless and irresponsible, no one needed that influence on their life. Tony loved Peter, he knew that. He couldn't deny it and there was nothing he could do to avoid it so he accepted it.

He just didn't want to fuck it up.

Tony couldn't provide what Peter needed. He didn't know the first thing about taking care of a teenager. He was absolutely terrified of ending up like his own father.

The billionaire sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He let out a frustrated groan and walked to the liquor cabinet he kept in the lab.

The one Pepper didn't know about.

He reached inside and pulled out a bottle of expensive whiskey, filling one of the taller glasses to the top and swallowing some.

I shouldn't be doing this.

Tony ignored his thoughts and let the alcohol burn his throat as he made his way to the penthouse, already feeling better.

He swore off drinking for a while but who was he kidding? It was the only thing that kept the pain at bay. The only thing that slowed his constantly racing mind.

He walked to the penthouse, taking the elevator, his head beginning to fill itself with an all too familiar buzz.

It was the afternoon and the sun was beginning to set. He watched the orange and purple colors from one of the large windows dance on the glass as he sipped more from his glass.

He was in way over his head .

-+*+- Peter -+*+-

"Uh, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked, walking into the living room.

Tony was standing there with a glass in his hand, looking out the window. Peter wanted to ask him if he could go on patrol. His wound had completely healed and he really wanted to go out. He didn't take too well to being cooped up all day.

"Yeah, kiddo?" Tony sipped on his drink which strangely looked like whiskey, not bothering to turn around.

"Er, I was wondering if I could go out on patrol or something..." Peter looked down at the counter. "I mean like I'm not really injured anymore and I've been wanting to get out for a while."

"Yeah, I don't see why not," Tony said with a small sigh.

"Really?!" Peter exclaimed, excited and confused as to why Tony gave in without so much of a fight.

"Yeah, just make sure to eat when you get back," Tony said, turning around and settling on the couch with his glass.

Peter's face lit up and a smile brightened his face. "Thank you so much Mr. Stark!"


Peter didn't really have time to figure out what Tony was upset about, so he dashed off to his room and changed with record speed. The spider ran to his closet and stuffed a change of clothes in his backpack before leaping out, off the balcony in his room, and flinging a web to the nearest building.

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