Chapter 33

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Edited by: PersassyPercyJ 

-+*^*+- Голубая смерть -+*^*+-

The room was incredibly dark. It was an inky blackness that consumed every inch of his vision. Blotches of color danced around the room and for a moment he thought he was going insane because each time he tried looking at them they disappeared. Soon the darkness became eerie. The man couldn't tell the difference between shutting his eyes and keeping them open.

What were they going to do with him? Nothing pleasant he assumed, considering the circumstances and all. His hands were bound behind him and he twitched his head, anxiously trying to scratch an itch on his neck. It had been almost 32 hours since he was brought back from the base. Groaning, he tried shifting his weight in the chair.

BAM! A door behind him slammed open with a loud crash and a bright white light came streaming into the room, burning his eyes and forcing him to shut them. Colorful spots danced behind his eyelids and he heard footsteps come from behind him.

"I'm not telling you anything so you might as well kill me," he rasped, his eyes still screwed shut. His voice came out hoarse, they'd roughed him up on the way over and it was finally catching up to him. Guess they didn't like him injuring their Russian assassin. He'd heard stories about her from his father, how feared she was all over the globe, to him, she seemed like a frightened little girl.

"Голубая смерть." The voice spoke, their footsteps drawing nearer. Not exactly a fluent Russian speaker huh? He could see their shadow from behind him, pacing- stalking from behind.

"What's your name?" they asked, stopping directly behind him, their shadow stretching across the wall in front of him.

"You tell me, you seem to already know it," He taunted, grinning slightly as he peered out from under his eyelids, adjusting to the harsh light behind him.

"Who are you working with? We know you didn't do this alone."

The voice sounded familiar. Someone he should recognize. His sister would be better at this. She was always smarter than him. The brains to his useless brawn. He was just the muscle of their operation. He held in an ironic chuckle at the thought of all three of them coming together. His two sisters working together with him- but... then again, the whole reason he was here was because one of them wasn't.

Biting down he spat, "I'm not working with anyone."

"If you're working alone then how did you manage to control hundreds of Asgardian creatures?" The voice spoke again, his silhouette getting bigger and smaller as he walked around the room, making sure to keep behind him.

"Asgardian? Never heard of it. Now, the Backyardigans, I have heard of. You sure you didn't get them mixed up?"

The person behind him sighed and he could make out the faint shape of a man's silhouette. He needed to figure out where he was. It was unlikely but if he could escape, he'd have a better chance. He couldn't go back of course, but at least he'd be alive. That was a lot better than the other option he was facing here. Would they even kill him though? The Avengers were known for their justice, right?

"Alright, I'll cut you a deal, you give me your name and I'll give you mine," The captive said, smothering a grin.

He heard something beep behind him and watched the shadow as the silhouette checked his watch.


The shadow crept closer, his figure getting smaller as he advanced into the dark chamber. His footsteps hesitant but determined nonetheless. Stepping in front of him, he could finally see the features of his face. Upon inspection, he realized the silhouette was a boy. His light brown eyes dilated as he faced the source of light. He had wavy brown hair that made him look a lot less threatening than he sounded earlier. Immediately he made the connection. He knew this boy. He had to keep himself from laughing at the irony. Hopefully, this kid didn't recognize him.

Pride Is Not The Word I'm Looking Forजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें