A/N And Q/A For The Readers

3.5K 81 2.6K

I'm really really sorry for missing the Friday update. I'm going through a really hard time in my life right now and I just need some time so for a while, I'll be posting randomly and not really keeping to the schedule.

I know this is really inconvenient for you guys who want to read the story and I'm really really sorry about that but I need to feel better mentally before I stress about updating and disappointing readers.

You guys always cheer me up with your fantastic comments so I'm gonna do a little celebration for 1k votes which I'm so grateful for.

I'm gonna ask questions about you guys and you can answer or not but I really want to get to know my fantastic readers. So here we go.

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite book?

What's your favorite movie?

How did you find out about my book?

Are you liking the book so far?

Who's your OTP?

What's your favorite show?

What's your favorite chapter/moment from the book?

Who's your favorite mcu character?

Is RDJ secretly IronMan?

Do you think John Mulaney killed Princess Diana?


Favorite John Mulaney bit?

Any hobbies?


How old are you?

Any talents?

Are you a writer or a reader?

Hogwarts house?

Vines or TikTok?

Should I do a face reveal sometime?

Do you play any instruments?

Introvert or Extrovert?

Any book recommendations?

Song recommendations/Favorite song?

Favorite Vine?

Favorite TikTok? (Mine is the President Trump one with the rat)

What makes you feel better when you're sad?

Where are you from? (I'm hispanic)

Any siblings? (I have 3)

Favorite show as a kid?

Winter or Summer?

Cats or Dogs?

Comedy or Horror?

If you had to lose one main sense (sight, taste, smell, hearing, touch) what would it be?

Favorite Harry Potter book?

Favorite Percy Jackson book?

Thanks again so much for 1k votes and 20k reads!! I never thought this book would get so far and I'm so very very grateful for all the love and support.

Again, I'm really sorry for the inconvenience but I'm just in a really bad place right now with my emotions and I'll be posting randomly from now on so I don't have to worry about a deadline. THIS IS NOT A HAITUS!!!

I love you all and please blow up my notifications with comments and love please. 💝💞


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