Chapter 21

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-+*+- Tony -+*+-

Tony was furious. No, he was livid. The billionaire paced back and forth in his lab like an animal. What did Peter mean by saying he wasn't deserving? Sure, Tony walked out of the room and left Loki and Peter alone but who wouldn't? Tony hated Loki and he couldn't just stand around while he talked with Peter as if he was his dad.

Loki wasn't his dad.

But...Tony wasn't either...

Tony clenched and unclenched his fists, his eyes raked across the room, looking for something to throw. Rage engulfed him and he picked up a useless tool and threw it across the room with as much power as possible, shattering one of the display glasses.

Then he saw Peter's face. Tears shining in his eyes. He scared him. Tony scared Peter. He promised that he'd take care of him and protect him but he just yelled at him. One of the only things in his life that was keeping him together.

Guilt flooded through him as he realized that Peter probably thought Tony was going to hit him. That was enough to make Tony freeze on the spot. He knew he'd never do anything like that but the kid didn't.

He had to go apologize.

-+*+- Time Skip brought to you by Veronica Sawyer -+*+-

Tony knocked on Peter's door in the penthouse, scrambling for words he could say, scrambling for an explanation as to why he acted the way he did.

When there wasn't an answer at the door, Tony figured the kid didn't want to talk to him. "Peter? It's Tony...Can you let me in, bud?"

There was still no answer.

Tony sighed, defeated, and walked back to his lab. Peter hated him and there was nothing he could do about it. How was he supposed to apologize if Peter never came out? What if he decided he didn't want to live with Tony anymore? Tony couldn't force him to stay.

The billionaire felt tears welling in his eyes as he sat down on one of his workbenches. He wasn't good with all these feelings. His father never comforted him or consoled him when it was needed. All he did was let it pass and build up. Tony didn't want that for Peter.

He laid his head down on the cool metal of the table in front of him and closed his eyes.

-+*+- Loki -+*+-

Loki felt conflicted about the child. Peter seemed to like him and even trusted him more than any of the other heroes. He was kind and amusing to watch. Peter's kind spirit reminded Loki of his mother. How they always sought out the best in people, whether or not they were good or bad in their pasts. He was forgiving.

Was their bond broken now? Did Peter believe Anthony when he told him that Loki was just using him? If he did, then everything was over now. Loki would have to stay in his room all day to ignore the glares and hatred radiating off most of the members of the group.

Or worse, the hate coming off of Peter. Loki didn't know why but he constantly looked for Peter's approval. He wanted to show that he could change and be different and the only person who would give him that chance was Peter.

Loki pondered this as he sat on his bed. He had decorated his room out of utter boredom. Without the Spider-Child suggesting games or chatting about different things, he had too much time on his hands.

He shifted the walls to black with one turning green, he decorated the shelves with books from home and little things Peter gave him. He changed the 'expensive' sheets and covers for silk ones and sat down on the bed.

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