Chapter 2

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Sorry for the short chapter but here you go.

Also, I'm writing this at 5 pm and not 3am so I mean progress.



Mr. Peter Parker,

It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that your application for admission to the Stark Industries Intern Program has been approved. We have found your application, as well as the interview you gave to be extremely satisfactory and promising and we believe that we have found an earnest and hardworking person in you.

In the knowledge of the fact that you happen to be younger than most interns, we have provided an internship schedule that will abide by your basic academic needs and sleep schedule.

Kind Regards,

        Alexander Irwin (Internship Director)


"Holy shit," Peter re-read the email at least five times before finally comprehending what it said. The email was about 2 days outdated because Peter forgot to check his email for almost an entire week, but he was still ecstatic none the less.

He had applied to become an intern by the request of Ned one day after school, but never in a million years did he think that he would actually be chosen. In fact, he had actually forgotten about after a week or two.

Peter screenshotted the email and turned his broken and shattered phone off before walking into his first-period class.

-+*+- Time skip brought to you by Tony's inability to sleep -+*+-

After the fifth-period bell had rung and the teacher gave his normal speech about how 'The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do' sort of thing with everyone naturally ignoring him and walking out of the class anyway.

Peter made his way down the long corridor filled with bustling students to the cafeteria where he would meet up with Ned and MJ.

He was naturally a bit more excited than usual as he made his way to the cafeteria for obvious reasons, so it made it even more frustrating when Flash decided to fuck up Peter's day.

"Hey, Penis!"

Peter internally groaned and sped up his walking with his head ducked low as if he could somehow disappear.

Flash never really hurt Peter physically except for a few shoves here and there, he mostly stuck to verbally bashing him with everything he had. Peter never stood up for himself. He was spiderman, right? He could handle this. Plus it made Peter feel a hell of a lot better knowing that if he wasn't getting bullied, other innocent kids who didn't deserve it would. So he sucked it up and took it for the team every day.

A harsh shove into the lockers startled Peter from his thoughts and he looked up straight into Flash's dark eyes.

"I called your name, Penis," Flash spat, "Why didn't you answer?"

"Because you're a dick," Peter thought.

"I couldn't hear you, I'm sorry," Peter said looking down at his shoes.

"No wonder your parents left you, you're pathetic, It's a miracle your aunt still lets you live with her, she probably wants to get rid of you too."

That last one hurt hard because Peter knew it was true. His aunt didn't love him. He knew that. She blamed him for Ben's death and took out her grief on him almost every day. He knew what she did was abuse but he was grateful for still having a roof to live under and food to eat, even if it was just a meager granola bar every day and school lunch later.

Flash left with one last shove and Peter continued his trek to the cafeteria.

When he arrived he ordered his lunch which consisted of an apple, a small salad, and a bottle of water and sat down next to Ned.

"Hey Peter," Ned greeted cheerfully, "So how's your you know?"

He was referring to Peter's shoulder burn from the repulsor blast that IronMan shot at him only 5 days ago. Thankfully his speed healing had been taking care of it. He still had a small irritated mark on his shoulder but it didn't hurt anymore. Most of his bruises and such had been healed or were still healing. Normally, the injuries he had gotten would have only taken 3 days to fully heal, but with the meager amount fo food he got every day, there was only so much his healing factor could do.

"Yeah, it's fine, almost completely healed," He responded with a smile.

Ned took the answer and began talking to him about different things like asking him about how his patrol went yesterday (thankfully the avengers hadn't shown up), he talked about his new Lego Millenium Falcon that his mom bought him, and most importantly, he asked about what answer he got for question 6 on his Advanced Calc homework.

Peter gladly listened and waited for Ned to ask what was up with him before spilling the tea on his new Internship.

" Anyways," Ned finished, "What's been going on with you?"

Peter smiled ear to ear, "I got the Stark Internship."

"You whAT?!" Ned screeched.

That drew a few looks and even MJ looked up from her book to glare at Ned for being so loud.

"I got the email," Peter took out his phone and handed it with the screenshot to Ned.

"Holy crap, when do you start?" Ned questioned as he scrolled through the email.

"Um, I don't really know, I hadn't checked," Peter held out his hand and Ned handed him the phone without a second thought.

He scrolled through the original email and found his schedule.

"Oh shit," Peter said as his eyes widened, "I start today?"

Peter realized that he only saw the email 3 days after it had been originally sent and it made more sense that he was starting today.

"Oh my god, Peter this is so cool! You're going to get to meet the Avengers and Tony Stark and oh my lord," Ned ranted on and on practically vibrating with excitement.

Peter agreed but was doubtful that he would ever get to meet The Tony Stark or any of the Avengers for that matter. It was just an internship and he was probably going to end up just working in a lab or something. Not that working with super-advanced tech wasn't cool, just that it wasn't as cool as meeting the Avengers.

The bell rang and the boys cleaned up their table before leaving for their next class.

School got out at 2:40 and Peter couldn't help but count down the minutes before he could leave for his new job.


Word count: 1036

Sorry again for the shorter chapter. The next will be longer pinkie promise.

It'll get better I promise. (maybe) Also please comment, it feeds my soul.


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