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| "all your dreams come true" | Dreams Come True NCT 127

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| "all your dreams come true" |
Dreams Come True
NCT 127


Everyone dreams of different things. No not dreams like when you sleep; goals. Like, a goal to look forward to in the future. Each person as a different mindset; money, love, life. Maybe it's just two or just one but sometimes people have dreams so big, people doubt them. Nobody has the same goal, maybe they do, but nobody can tell.

Everyone wants something different. World peace or world hunger is usually what everyone wants or money. Not many people think about life.

Life, for some people, is a want. Some people want to live to achieve their goals while others...do not want too. Sometimes we cannot change a person's goal cause it is a difficult task if the said person has already set their mind to it.

A want and a need are completely different but people get them confused.

When you look at something you go; I want that. Some people look at the same object and go; I need that. Nobody needs anything besides food, water, comfort, and a house above our heads.

Need is a difficult word to use, for some people, while others find it easy to use.

Some people say you need to live.

But do you really?

Many people want to live. Many people want love.

Both of those things are wants not needs. In your world, they might be needs but in others they are wants.

Now, Lee Felix.

He is a sensitive boy, fragile to anyone who sees him. He's known for his kind heart and loving manners towards anyone of any age; elders, toddlers, kids, even teenagers. People always ask him.

"What's your dream?"

And he always replies.

"I just want to live."

Many people leave it like that while others question. He never answers in full detail. He always smiles and says, "My dream is a want; not a need. Many people believe they need to live. Many people think they need expensive jewelry but the most expensive thing I want is a hug."

"A hug isn't expensive."

"That's where you're wrong. A hug is simple, yes, but when your friend hugs you, does it make you feel special? Does it make you feel joy?"

The person usually shrugs their shoulders or doesn't answer.

"Okay, what about your crush or fiance, girlfriend, wife? If they hugged you, does that make you feel special?"

A nod always comes from the person.

"A hug from your significant other is one of a kind. Nobody can ever hold you just like they do or did. A hug, in some people's perspectives, is just a hug. In other people's perspective; is the most expensive, luxurious, special present they could have."

"But that doesn't sum up your dream." 

"Because you want to know my reason behind it but since I will never see you again; I have no reason to go into much detail. I do not need to tell you unless I want too." 

Nonetheless. Felix's dream will remain unknown to many until a certain boy asked. 

"Lix, what's your dream?"

"I want to live. What's yours?" 


I know I said I wasn't going to publish a new book but I love how this book is coming so far in my drafts and I just really wanted to release it! 

I want you guys to figure out why Felix's dream is to live. There is actually an explanation on why he chose his dream as just to live and I want you guys to figure it out. Yes, it's like Cupid(kinda) but you know all the characters lol. 

In Cupid, I enjoyed reading everyone's comments about who cupid was and see what everyone was thinking and I want to see you guys do it again. I'm also trying out a different(?) writing style (?). I hope you guys enjoy it and the book!

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