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2 weeks later_____________________

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2 weeks later

Felix looked at himself with a smile. He adjusted his shirt and walked over to his bag. He looked at the other bag and exhales. He puts his bag on and grabbed the other bag, leaving his room. "You ready honey?" She asks and Felix nodded his head.

Felix walked over to his friend group with a smile. "Hey, hyung!" Jeongin says with a big smile. "Hey. I got something for you all," Felix says as he places the bag down. They all watched as Felix took out the object.

He handed them to everyone who looked at him. "What?" Felix asks as his eyebrows furrow. "You alright? I mean...these things are kinda personal to you," Chan says. Felix nodded his head. "I grew out of my stuffed animal collection so I wanted to give you them," He says.

Each of them had a stuffed animal that looked like them. "But...we gave you these and you treated them like they were your actual kids," Chan says as he looked at the stuffed animal in his hands. "I know...I can find other ones too," Felix says with a smile, really wanting to change the subject.

Chan was about to speak but Changbin beat him to it. "Thanks, Lix," He says and everyone held back a laugh at the obvious pink tint on Felix's cheek. "N-Not a problem, Changbin," Felix says as he picks up the bag and folds it.

Everyone left to do something beside Changbin. "You wanna go on a walk?" He asks. Felix looks at him with a soft smile. "Of course."


School finished and Changbin waited for Felix by the gate of the school. Someone walked up to him and he looked at the person; giving a smile to the female. "Hello," Changbin says.

"Hello. Are you busy today?" She asks and Changbin could see the blush on her cheeks. "I am, sorry," Changbin says with a sad smile. She frowns but smiles. "It's okay." She walked off and Changbin looked over to see Felix walking over.

"Hey," Changbin says and Felix smiles. "Hey. Let's go," Felix says as he gently grabbed Changbin's pinky finger with his.

They walked through the park in silence and just enjoyed the presence of each other. Changbin decided to break the comfortable silence with a question. "Lix?" Changbin asks and Felix hums, looking at him. "Do you have a dream?"

Felix smiles and looks at the sidewalk. "Yeah," He says as he looks at him. Changbin tilts his head in question. "It's just to live. What's yours?" Felix asks as he looks at him. "To have a family with my lover," Changbin says, eyeing Felix at a certain word.

"Cool," Felix says with a smile. "Why is yours to live?" Changbin asks with a little confusion. Felix looks at him. "I don't usually go into detail 'cause its usually older people who ask me," Felix says. Changbin hums but instantly got worried when Felix came to an abrupt stop and crouched down, placing a hand on his chest.

"Lix? You alright?" Changbin asks as he kneels next to Felix who's breathing was increasing. "C-Can't...breath. Bag," Felix huffs out. Changbin took off Felix's bag and looked through it. "I-Inhaler."

Changbin nodded his head and found it quickly. He gave it to Felix who used it. Changbin sat behind Felix and let the younger lean back into him. "S-Sorry," Felix says. "Don't apologize. You just had an asthma attack."

Felix nodded his head and calmed down for a little bit longer. Once he did Changbin helped him up and grabbed his bag. "Thanks," Felix says with a smile. "No problem. Let's sit under a tree so you can explain your dream."

Felix nodded his head and they walked over to a tree that was losing its leaves. They sat down and Felix leans his head on Changbin's shoulder. "I don't think you've met my dad," Felix says as he slowly grabbed Changbin's hand. "I've met your mom, I think," Changbin says.

"You should come over and stay over on Friday. I've been lonely," Felix says and Changbin smiles "I'll see with my mom even though she's probably going to say yes," Changbin says as he rubs his thumb over Felix's knuckles. Felix smiles but went back on track.

"He's not my...real dad. He's my step-dad," Felix says as he looks at Changbin. Changbin looked at him with confusion. "My birth dad....killed himself when I was 3. Both my mom and I were heartbroken, of course, but he was super mean. He would always smoke and yell at my mom for no reason," Felix says and Changbin squeezed his hand.

Felix lifted his free hand and wiped the tears that fell. "It dawned on me when I was 9 that a lot of people take their lives for granted especially if they have some kind of health problem or some stupid addiction. I made it my dream to live a healthy life until I pass away," Felix says as he looks at Changbin.

Changbin lifted his hand and wiped Felix's tears. Felix smiles and sniffles. "Thank you for listening. I don't usually tell people that," Felix says as he leans into Changbin's side. Changbin smiles and moves his hand to Felix's leg, rubbing it. "You don't have to thank me. I am your friend," Changbin says with a smile. Felix looks up at him with a smile.

He pulled out his phone and opened the camera; looking at Changbin for permission who smiles and nods his head.


Did y'all expect that?

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