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Felix snuck out of bed and tiptoed to the kitchen; Oreo lifting her head up from where it was on the couch. Felix sits next to the puppy and lays his chin on her body. "You ready for a brother or sister?" Felix asks and Oreo licks his face.

Felix got off the couch and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Changbin woke up a few minutes later to an empty bed. He got out of bed and left the room; inhaling at the delicious smell. He walked over to the kitchen and smiles at Felix who was making pancakes. He walked over and hugged him from behind. "Want to go to target to get another bed for your child," Changbin asks, and Felix giggles. "They're going to be your child too."

Changbin chuckles and kisses his cheek. "Mhms...we can eat breakfast then go," Changbin says as he hugs Felix's waist tighter. "Mkay. Can you take Oreo out? Breakfast should be ready when you get back." Changbin nods his head and Felix turns his head to allow the male to peck his lips. Changbin lets him go and goes to their room to grab a shirt.

He went to the front door and grabbed the leash; Oreo running over. He attached her leash and the two left for the morning walk.

Felix finished breakfast and lets it cool down. He went to the room and grabbed high waisted shorts, a graphic t-shirt, and a plaid button-up shirt. He puts it on and tucked the shirt it and grabbed a belt; putting it on. He tied the button-up around his waist. He slipped on knee-high socks and left the room; stopping as he saw his boyfriend eating already. "I...didn't hear you come in," Felix says as he walks over; smiling at the plate his boyfriend made for him.

Changbin smiles and continued eating. Changbin finished first and he put his dish away and went to get changed as well. Felix finished and gave Oreo the extra bacon they didn't eat. He cleaned the dishes and dried his hands; touching his chest where his necklace wasn't.

He walked to the bathroom and puts it on; fixing it as he looked at himself. Changbin came in and tickled Felix's waist; Felix squeaking but giggling. "You scared me," Felix says as they left the room. Changbin smiles and they put their shoes on. Oreo waddled over and Felix squatted down. "We're going to get your sibling some things. Be a good girl and bark at people who knock on the door."

Changbin face palmed but laughed at his boyfriend. Felix stood up and they left.


Felix sat in the cart as Changbin pushed it around. "Why did you want to sit in it again?" Changbin asks and Felix leaned his head back. "Cause I wanted to," He says and Changbin chuckles; pecking his lips. "I asked Jeongin if they're is any huskies at the shelter he works at and he says there is one," Felix says as Changbin turned into the dog section. "Really?"

Felix nodded his head as Changbin helped him out of the cart. "But...he has separation problems," Felix says as he looked at the toys. "Awe," Changbin says with a frown. "But! I'm still willing to take the puppy," Felix says as he looks at his boyfriend who smiles. "Alright. As long as you're willing to deal with the whining."

Felix rolls his eyes and walks over to him; pecking his lips. "I don't want Oreo to be lonely when we're both gone. I think she'll love the new doggy in the house."


I want to get this finished so I can start Mr. B and continue working on Makeup for Pride Month

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