Benefit Of A Doubt

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Doctor's office

Do we have to still do the triple date tonight? Charlotte asked.

Sorry, Char. I told them that we would go. If you really want, we can cancel. Chloe said assuring her friend.

No, I guess I'll go. It'll give me a chance to take y mind off of this. Charlotte said smiling slightly.

You have to tell Henry. Chloe said knowing Charlotte was planning on keeping this to herself

Why? It'll change his life. That's not fair to him. Charlotte said.

It's his baby. He should be given the choice. Chloe said seriously.

But what if he doesn't want it? Charlotte asked in tears in her eyes.

it's better to know. Chloe said softly.

Before Charlotte could reply she was called into the doctor's office. Chloe offered to stay with her and Charlotte accepted fast because she didn't want to be alone. The doctors did some tests on Charlotte and sent Charlotte on their way. They said that they were going to call her in 2 days with the results. Charlotte tried to put it past her as they drove to the nearby diner to meet the boys and Justin and Piper.

Chloe watched in awe as Charlotte reverted back to her old self. She was happy and having fun but Chloe could tell she was anxious. Every couple minutes Charlotte would glance at her phone. Chloe smiled watching Charlotte smile at Henry and Charlotte was affectionate to make up for her coldness earlier that day. Everything changed when her phone started ringing. Charlotte glanced at the number and her fears and insecurities coming flooding back to the surface.

I'll be right back. she said and walked to the other side of the coffee shop. Chloe got up and followed her knowing that this call would change her best friend's life forever.

Hello. Charlotte greeted.

is this Charlotte Paige? the doctors asked.

Yes, this is she. Charlotte confirmed.

We just got your test results back. the doctor said.

I thought you said it would take two days? Charlotte asked.

Yeah, usually it does. But the labs had a slow day today, which pushed your blood right up the list, and we now have your results. The doctor told her

What does the blood work say? Charlotte nervously asked.

The results came back positive. Congratulations, You are pregnant. Call us tomorrow and we'll schedule your first check-up appointment with our OB. The doctor said.

Ok, Thank you. Charlotte said as a single tear rolled down her face.

Chloe saw everyone watching from their table with an expression of mixed curiosity and worry on their faces.

What did doctor say? Chloe asked although already knowing the answer.

The test came back positive. Oh my god, I'm pregnant. What am I going to do? Charlotte asked.

You are going to act normally right now and go sit next to your boyfriend. You are going to take this news calmly and rationally thinking through everything because you know I will be here for you forever. You can't lose me and You are going to go through the motions of this pregnancy and you will be an amazing mother. Chloe told her whispering so no one would hear what she was saying.

Charlotte simply nodded and wiped her tears from her face and plastered a smile on her face. Chloe could see how strained the smile was but took her hand and led her back to the table. Charlotte took her seat next to Henry and he could see the trace of tears in her eyes and he also noted that Chloe wasn't leaving Charlotte's side. She moved her chair next to Charlotte's and rubbed small circles on her back.

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