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A summary of the first book before we begin this one. Just in case you forgot for some reason--

This isn't really a summary. More like the last book on crack.

Roman kicked down the door. "LISTEN UP I'M GOING TO GO ON AN ADVENTURE YOU HOES!"

"Okay, have fun!" Patton exclaimed.

"I literally don't care." Logan glared at Roman.

"Huh, what's going on?" Virgil asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Oh, before I leave let me just transfer the germs on my lips onto your hand." Roman chirped.

"Wow, I find that oddly attractive." Virgil mumbled.

"Okay bye!" Roman skipped away.


"Ugh, I'm so edgy." Romam scoffed, walking through the Imagination.

"Y E E T" Remus exclaimed, slamming his weapon over Roman's head.



"Oh, hello, Roman." Logan greeted him.

"Hey, Ro!" Thomas waved

"YES! I AM ROMAN!" He smiled widely.

"...okay, cool. So as I was saying--"

"FUCK YOU!" 'Roman' screamed, interrupting Logan.





"Hi!" 'Roman' exclaimed, bounding up to the real Roman inside the closet.

He untied Roman.

"Wtf is wrong with you?"

"You feel bad! I'm looking for the person who makes you feel bad so I can maim them!" Remus did a twirl.

"Okay, sounds legit." Roman shrugged. "So here's how you be me."


"Oi, Remus. If you don't come out I'm gonna be really sad." Deceit said to the door.

He was met with silence.

"You asked for it, young man!"


"Hi!" Remus exclaimed, bounding up to Virgil.

"Oh, hey Roman. What's up?"

"Are you a soda? Because I wanna Mountain Dew you." Remus gave Virgil a wink. "Kill me."

"I have never been more attracted to you." Virgil whispered. "I mean, what?"


"Remus is missing lol." Deceit told Virgil.

"o o f."

"What happened?" Logan asked, walking up.

"Remus is missing."

"Oh, cool. Virgil, tell Deceit to go away." Logan told him.

Deceit scoffed. "As if! Virgil would never do that to me! We're family!"

"Go away, Deceit." Virgil said.

"Oh, okay. Fuck you, then."


"Hey, find Remus." Patton said to Deceit.

"Or what? You're not my MOM."

"I will literally kill you."

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