He's mad and I don't know why-Roman

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not really a trigger warning but warning this mentions a spoiler for the newest episode so go watch that first

Virgil hates me, Remus went to hang out with Demetrius again, Olive and Willow went on a date, Emile is helping his mom get over his dad leaving, I'm not even sure what Remy is doing. I wish Virgil said why he was so mad. I need to make it up to him.

"Roman, since Remus went to his friends house and your dad is at work at the cafe you're coming to run errands with me." Father yelled from the front door probably.

"Why do I have to go?" I yelled back.

"I don't trust you to stay home on your own." Wow. I've been home alone before. I groaned and changed into some random outfit. I hurried downstairs to where papa was waiting. "Good. Come on we don't have all day."

{time skip brought by that was legitness}

"Where are we going now?" I asked. Papa was driving down a street that led to the "Vanta Territory".

"I have to drop something off to an old friend. You can stay in the car for this. I will just be Gone for approximately 2 minutes and 49 seconds if all goes well. Then we will go home." I nodded and pretended not to be suspicious.

Why is he going here just to drop something off? I guess people do live here so it could just be some random person. We pulled parked on the side of some building and father went inside. He came back after a few minutes, longer than what he said by the way, and we sat in the car for a bit.

"So...who's this friend you had to see?" I asked.

"Actually it was quite interesting when I saw them. Your friends, Virgil, Remy, and Demetrius and Remus, for whatever reason, were there talking with him. I suppose it has been so long since I've actually seen him but he never told me he had sons. And you never told me you were friends with a criminals sons."

"Shit. Wait you saw Virgil! How is he doing? Is he still mad at me? Why was Remus there? Is he coming out? Did they tell you why they're mad at me?"

"What? Roman I can't understand you when you're talking like that. Now wait for Remus to come out and we're going home to talk about this." I sighed and Remus walked out of the door.

"Hello twin! How has your last 24 hours been?"

"I thought you were only going to hang out with Dee."

"I did hang out with him. I also learned some things about him and apparently Virgil and Remy had to go visit their dad and Dee had to go with them but I didn't want to go home so I tagged along. Also! I know why Virge and Remy are mad at you. You fucked up big time without even knowing it." He laughed.

"Tell me then! I need to make it up to him!" I begged. Wow this us probably one of the lowest points in my life, begging my brother to tell me something.

"Nope. I don't care if we both survived in the womb without annihilating each other, they told me not to tell you and I can not physically say no to Dee."

"Ugh. Why do you have to be in love at the worst times?"

"You trying to fight?"

"Heck yea fight me bitch!"

"Roman! Remus! No fighting in my car!"

{time skip brought by Janus Deciet Sanders being best boi}


"What" he groaned.

"How am I going to get Virgil to forgive me?"

"I don't know dude. Best thing for now is to let him be. Now, if you stop talking and let me leave I wont rearrange your skeleton like a dyslexic doing a puzzle. See you in about 15 minutes to an hour." He jumped out the window. Great. Now I'm alone with my thoughts.

I don't know why Virgil is mad at me. He's obviously not gonna tell me why he's mad so I have no way of knowing how to fix it. Maybe it has something to do with Remy saying whatever he said when he gave Emile his number. It obviously has something to do with that article I was talking to him about. I mean, he literally said that's why he was mad. But he met his soulmate and I'm not dead so why is he mad? Ugh if he just told me why he was mad none of this would be happening. Why can't he tell me why he's mad at that article!

Maybe it'll be better if I let Virgil calm down before asking him about it. Yea I'll do that.

{time skip brought by ask me what kind of tree I have}

I walked to the table that Joan and Emile were sitting at and sat down. "Hey Joan, when do you think Virgil will stop being mad at me?"

"He's been mad since Thursday, right?" I nodded. "I don't really know but seeing as what kind of person Virgil is this grudge will last from at least tonight to...forever"


"Nice Steven Universe reference. But you have to be a little more optimistic than that." Emile chimed in.

"At least he didn't kill you!" They said in the happiest voice they could manage while trying to finish the history homework we got assigned yesterday.

"That's not better."

"Hey that does make me feel better! At least he didn't kill me!" I smiled. He could've, he still can, but he hasn't. I think this is setting the bar a little low but it's better than nothing.

"Hey gays. What're we talking about?" Thomas is here now.

"Roman wants Virgil to forgive him for what he did."

"What did you do?" Thomas asked.

"I don't know. That's the problem. He's mad at me and I know it's partly because of that article I was telling him about but I dont know what exactly he's mad about."

"Why don't you just ask him?"

"Because he actually told Remus not to tell me so I don't think he'll be telling me anytime soon."

"How about you just apologize? He'll think somebody told you and get mad at them."

"That's....actually not that bad of an idea. I think I'll do that, thanks Thomas!" I ran off to find my angry soulmate. Where is he? Remy wasn't with Emile so he's probably hanging out with them, so just look for a group of people bowing down.

Not that hard to find actually. They were hanging out around Dee's locker and there were a few of Remy's "servants" running around looking for coffee.

"Hey Virge, can I talk to you?" He glared at me before Remus whispered something to him. He hangs out with my mental twin but not me. This is unfair, I'm starting to think people like Remus more than me. I saw him mutter something before walking over to me. "I-"

"Nope. Not where people are watching, follow me." I nodded and walked beside him to the bathroom. "Okay what the hell do you want to talk about?"

"I'm sorry for talking about the article and anything else I did."

"Uh huh. Do you know why I'm mad?" He asked.

"N-no? But I know it has something to do with what I said and I'm really sorry and want you to forgive me. Shit I probably could've worded that better." I mumbled the last part but looked up at him. He didn't look like he forgave me.

"Unbelievable. You don't even know why I'm mad. Y'know, I was gonna forgive you since I never actually told you but the fact that you'll apologize for something you don't even know why you're apologizing for shows to me that you only care about soulmates. I'm done." He scoffed and walked out of the bathroom leaving me here. Is this what Michael felt like? Oh god. I messed up.

Word Count: 1333
Haha. The product of all the mental breakdowns I had today is this (and pictures of Roman with a mustache and a couple other things but we're not talking about that)
Bye for now guys, gals, and non-binary pals

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